Finally, it might already be
out by the time you read
this (and if it isn’t, it wi ll be
soon!), butBedrock Edition
version 1.10 is already in
testing, so here’s what
you can expect to see
when you update tothe
newest version!
Wandering traders
will now travel
between villages in
experimenta l gameplay
mode.These villagers
are accompanied by two
custom llamas, andwill
trade lots of rare and
unusual items.
The illager beasts (aka
ravagers) have also been
added, butwith only basic
AI. They drop a saddle when
they’re killed.
Catswill have one new
skin – the competit ion-
winning Jellie skin.
The composter, campfi re,
stonecutter, loom and
lectern have all been added.
These semi-functional block
types are similar extensions
to the newcrafting table
functionality added in
version 1.9. In version 1.10,
the loom is functional.
Stripped wood blocks are
now available, with no bark
on any side.
Pillager outposts will now
generate out in the world.
Here’s a big deal: shields
have fi nally been added
to Bedrock Edition as of
version 1.10! Crouching
while you ho ld one will
automatically rais e the
shield to defend against
Sweet berry bu shes and
their sweet berries will now
grow in Taiga biomes.
As of this version,
crossbows can be used
without the needfor
experimenta l gameplay.
And fi nally, the biggest
changehere is that the new
villager types arelive, with
their new clothes, new jobs
and new behaviour! We’ll
go into more depth about
these soon!
All the new