2020-02-01 Rachael Ray Every Day

(Barré) #1

pot of these compact blackberry bushes in a sunny
spot on a porch or patio puts juicy berries at your
fi ngertips. With thornless branches that stay under
4 feet tall, Bushel and Berry® Baby Cakes® don’t
require staking or trellising – just a 12- to 16-inch
container. Clusters of white fl owers appear in late spring. By
midsummer the blossoms have become full-size antioxidant-rich
berries. In most areas of the country, Baby Cakes set a second
crop of fruit midfall. Next spring upsize to a 20- to 24-inch pot
and you’ll be rewarded with even more blackberries.



A special off er from our friends at
White Flower Farm: Order online
at fcgardenstore.com/berry or call
800/420-2852. Item M068428
is $25.95 each plus shipping.
(Mention source code SIP20.)
Ships in a 1-gallon pot in spring at
the proper planting time for your
Hardiness Zone. Recommended for
Zones 4–8S&W.


This item sold
out last year.


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