■ Introducing ZSpheres 209
- The edges are spread out between the central spheres and the child spheres pulled out
to the sides. To add a new edge loop in this area, simply click the space between them
while in Draw mode; ZBrush will automatically create a new sphere (Figure 6.9). To
delete a ZSphere, simply Alt-click it and it will disappear. This operation is not pos-
sible for the root sphere as it cannot be deleted. - To scale a ZSphere, enter Scale mode by pressing the E hotkey or clicking the Scale
button at the top of the screen. Click the sphere and drag, and it will scale up and
down (Figure 6.10). - If you were to move one of the ZSpheres in this chain and it came in too-close proxim-
ity to another sphere, the connection between the two ZSpheres could become trans-
parent, as shown in Figure 6.11. This is a visual warning to let you know the mesh
generated from this chain will intersect on itself. While not always a problem, inter-
secting meshes can sometimes cause issues when sculpting, so it is best to avoid them
whenever possible.
Figure 6.8 With the chain in an orthographic front view, move the two children away
from the centerline.
Figure 6.6 The ZSphere chain rotated slightly off center
to illustrate the layout at this stage
Figure 6.7 Adaptive Skin Preview shows the mesh that will
be generated from this sphere layout. Notice how the mesh
collapses around the root sphere if there is only one child.