■ ZSketch 349
There are many options for Smooth brushes with ZSketch. Each one will treat the
ends of the stroke differently. Smooth1 is my smooth brush of choice in most cases, but each
Smooth brush will have its place as you work, so be sure to try to work with each one to get
a feel for how you prefer to utilize them. In Figure 10.13 you can see the effects of the vari-
ous Smooth brushes. If you are in doubt about a brush, the icon usually helps clarify the
effect it will have. You can also review Table 10.1 for a description of each ZSketch brush.
Table 10.1: ZSketch brushes
Brush Description
Armature Draws strokes off the surface like vines and tentacles.
Bulge and Flush Bulges the strokes and brings them flush to the surface.
Bulge Bulges or inflates the strokes.
Float Moves strokes away from mesh/ZSphere along the stroke direction. Holding Alt will
push the stroke back into the mesh/ZSphere.
Flush Aligns the strokes along the document plane.
Flush Dynamic Aligns the strokes along the plane but in the direction of the brush stroke.
Flush Res Aligns strokes along the document plane but resizes them at the same time.
Push Pull Pushes and pulls the stroke based on the brush position.
S k e t ch1 Draws a ZSketch stroke close to the surface.
Sketch2 Draws a stroke halfway into the surface.
Sketch3 Draws a stroke on the surface.
SketchA Draws a ZSketch stroke close to the surface but with a once orientation. This means
the stroke is oriented to the first point that you touch with your brush. This is the
opposite of continuous orientation, which reorients the stroke along the surface of
the model.
Figure 10.12 The Sketch1 brush adds form less aggres-
sively than the other brushes.
Figure 10.13 The Smooth brushes in action