350 chapter 10 ■ ZSketch and Hard-Surface Brushes
Brush Description
SketchB Draws a stroke halfway in the surface but with a once orientation.
SketchC Draws a stroke on the surface but with a once orientation.
S m o o t h1 Smooths and blends the end of the stroke to match the size of the underlying mesh/
ZSphere; will also blend color.
Smooth2 Smooths and blends color but will not adjust the size of the end of each stroke.
Smooth3 Smooths the stroke with no color blend or size adjustment.
Smooth4 Smooths, blends the color, and adjusts the size of the ends to be smaller than the
adjacent mesh/ZSphere.
We are now ready to use the ZSketch tools to start building our gesture sketch. Make
sure that your armature is in Edit mode and you have Tool → ZSketch → Edit Sketch active.
- Since we are just starting the figure and we need to build the major masses quickly, select
Sketch2. Using Sketch2, build the ribcage, as shown in Figure 10.14. As you draw strokes,
make it a rule of thumb to always smooth each stroke as you go. This will help you build
your form gracefully, and it keeps the ZSketch from growing too large and bloated.
Figure 10.14 Build the ribcage of the figure using the Sketch2 brush.
Table 10.1: ZSketch brushes (continued)