ZBrush Character Creation - Advanced Digital Sculpting 2nd Edition

(vip2019) #1
■ ZSketch 351

  1. Build strokes down the arms and abdo-
    men, then create a block for the pelvis (see
    Figure 10.15).

  2. Further refine the forms of the legs. In
    Figure 10.16 you can see the strokes used to
    build the knees and calves. You can also see
    the buttocks suggested with brush strokes. We
    are most concerned with big shapes and broad
    strokes. Avoid trying to represent individual
    muscles as much as possible.

  3. The torso and head are further refined
    with more strokes. Don’t be afraid to work
    quickly and smooth your strokes as you go
    (Figure 10.17). Work from the side view as
    well. Aim to capture the rhythms in the silhou-
    ette of your figure (Figure 10.18).

Figure 10.16 From the back view, you can see the knees, calves, and buttocks built with

Figure 10.15 Building the arms, abdomen, and pelvis
with ZSketch strokes
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