Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized
page numbers indicate illustrations.
abdomen in gesture figure, 351, 351
action line in Transpose, 226–228, 226–229
Activate Symmetry option, 18
Adaptive mode, 314 –315
Adaptive Skin palette, 219–220
adaptive skins, 206–208, 207
controls, 216 –220, 217–219
DemoSoldier, 260–261
Preview Adaptive Skin feature, 208, 209 , 212, 239, 240
for shirt, 253, 254
for suspenders, 256
in topology, 239–240, 240
Add To Spotlight button, 189–190, 190
airbrush techniques, 174 , 174
alien heads
exporting, 297–301, 298–301
mental ray rendering, 171, 171
Alpha And Texture options, 39–40
Alpha Gain setting, 321, 324, 327, 327
Alpha menu, 12–13, 122–124, 122
Alpha Offset setting, 324, 327, 327
Alpha palette, 122
Alpha Repeat slider, 131, 131
alphas, 40, 40
baking changes to, 134
importing images for, 133–134, 134
libraries, 134, 140 –141
mental ray, 320
overview, 121–125, 121–123, 125
sculpting, 135–136, 135
settings, 124
as stencils, 129–132, 129–132
for Stingerhead, 139 –148, 140 –148
for strokes, 125–129, 125–128
Alt key, 14 –15
Alvarez, Alex, 171, 171 , 292, 292
Ambient Occlusion maps
Multi Map Exporter for, 337 , 337
working with, 333–335, 333–335
Ambient Occlusion renders, 281, 281
anatomical terminology, 50
anchor points for curves, 16, 16
angle of mandible, 52
organized meshes for, 81, 81
timeline, 271–274, 271–274
turntable, 270
antenna for ray gun, 381, 381–382
antihelix, 72–73, 72–74
approach to sculpting, 33–35, 34 –35
Approximation Editor, 317, 317
displacement, 324
rendering errors, 319
subdivision, 316 –317, 320 , 322
Armature brush, 349
armatures for gesture figure, 343–356, 344 –357
armor, 252–257, 252–257
biped, 214 –215, 215
DemoSoldier, 232, 232 , 236, 260
gesture figure, 345, 347 , 351, 351
ZSpheres, 210
artifacts in Maya, 327–328, 327–328
Attribute Editor, 325, 331–332, 332–333
audio track in ZMovie, 274 , 274
auditory meatus, 50, 50 , 52 , 56, 72, 72
Auto Groups option, 89
Auto Groups with UV option, 89
Auto Masking options, 39–40
automatic seam placement, 200, 200–201
Automatic UV (AUV) tiles, 164–165, 165 , 306
back of gesture figure, 352, 354
backface masking, 42
background, compositing, 289 , 289
Backtrack brushes, 365 , 365
Backtrack Line setting, 364, 364
Baker, Rick, 76
alpha changes, 134
polypaint to UV texture space, 187–188, 187
barrel shape for ray gun, 385, 387
base color washes, 178 –179, 178 –179