Index ■ 409
value in form, 5
variation in detailing, 156
vents for ray gun, 388, 390
vertex order of UVs, 306 –310, 306 –310
viewing UVs, 166, 166
views in ZAppLink, 188 , 189
layers, 138
tools for, 15–16, 16
warm colors, 172–173
washes, base color, 178 –179, 178 –179
werewolf character
head sculpture, 34, 34
normal maps for, 330–331, 330
textures, 200–202, 200–202, 306, 307
ZSpheres, 222, 222
White Cavity material, 59, 66
White Cavity shader, 18
witch image, 139, 139
Wrap mode for stencils, 131
dynamics, 142 –143, 142–143
eye, 66, 67 , 141–142, 141–142
modeling, 264–265, 264–265
stencils for, 141–142, 141–142
Stingerhead, 140, 140
Wynia, Bryan, 223, 223
X Symmetry, 18, 212
Yang, Eddie, 76 , 76
ZAdd mode
for alphas, 136 –137
Alt key with, 14
with ZProject brush, 246
ZAppLink plug-in
baking polypaint to UV texture space, 187–188, 187
control painting tools, 200–202, 200–203
extracting maps from HD, 197–198, 198
polypaint with HD, 196–197, 197
SpotLights for, 189–196, 190 –191, 193–196
stencils, 132–133, 132–133
UV Master plug-in for, 198–199, 198–199
views, 188 , 189
working with, 184 –186, 184 –186
ZAppLink Properties window, 184, 185
ZBrush Digital Sculpting Human Anatomy, 48–50
ZBrush tools, 16 –17
ZCut mode, 14
ZDepth images, 282, 282
ZIntensity slider, 27
ZMovie, 267
audio tracks, 274 , 274
blend shapes, 275–277, 275–277
exporting movies, 274
recording screen, 267–268, 268–269
timeline, 271–275, 271–274
turntable animations, 270
ZMV files, 268
zones, face temperature, 173 –176, 174 –176
Zoom menu, 14
zooming in and out, 15
ZPlugin menu, 14
ZProject brush, 37, 242–246, 246
ZScript menu, 14
ZSketch tool, 343–348, 344–348
brushes, 348–350, 348–350
gesture figure, 350 –356, 350 –357
ray gun, 375–390, 375–391
shield object, 358 , 358–360
vs. ZSpheres, 82, 82
ZSphereRig, 235
ZSpheres, 205
biped from, 211–215, 212–215
adaptive skin controls, 216 –220, 217–219
edge loops to head, 220–222, 220–222
hands and feet, 216 , 216
chains, 207–210, 208–210, 345, 346
moving, scaling, and rotating, 210 –211, 211
overview, 206 , 206–207
rigging, 258 –261, 258–261
vs. ZSketch, 82, 82
ZSub mode, 14
for alphas, 136 –137
with ZProject brush, 246
zygomatic arch, 52
zygomatic bones, 54, 55 , 56–57, 57 , 60
zygomatic muscles, 64
zygomatic process, 52 , 55
zygomaticus major and minor muscles, 59 , 61–62, 62