Hacking - The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition

(Romina) #1

106 0x200

int fd;

printf("\n====================| HIGH SCORE |====================\n");
fd = open(DATAFILE, O_RDONLY);
if(fd == -1)
fatal("in show_highscore() while opening file");
while(read(fd, &entry, sizeof(struct user)) > 0) { // Loop until end of file.
if(entry.highscore > top_score) { // If there is a higher score,
top_score = entry.highscore; // set top_score to that score
strcpy(top_name, entry.name); // and top_name to that username.
if(top_score > player.highscore)
printf("%s has the high score of %u\n", top_name, top_score);
printf("You currently have the high score of %u credits!\n", player.highscore);

// This function simply awards the jackpot for the Pick a Number game.
void jackpot() {
printf("+++++ JACKPOT +++++\n");
printf("You have won the jackpot of 100 credits!\n");
player.credits += 100;

// This function is used to input the player name, since
// scanf("%s", &whatever) will stop input at the first space.
void input_name() {
char *name_ptr, input_char='\n';
while(input_char == '\n') // Flush any leftover
scanf("%c", &input_char); // newline chars.

name_ptr = (char ) &(player.name); // name_ptr = player name's address
while(input_char != '\n') { // Loop until newline.
name_ptr = input_char; // Put the input char into name field.
scanf("%c", &input_char); // Get the next char.
name_ptr++; // Increment the name pointer.
*name_ptr = 0; // Terminate the string.

// This function prints the 3 cards for the Find the Ace game.
// It expects a message to display, a pointer to the cards array,
// and the card the user has picked as input. If the user_pick is
// -1, then the selection numbers are displayed.
void print_cards(char message, char cards, int user_pick) {
int i;

printf("\n\t %s \n", message);
printf(" \t..\t..\t._.\n");
printf("Cards:\t|%c|\t|%c|\t|%c|\n\t", cards[0], cards[1], cards[2]);
if(user_pick == -1)
printf(" 1 \t 2 \t 3\n");

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