Hacking - The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition

(Romina) #1
Programming 107

else {
for(i=0; i < user_pick; i++)
printf(" ^-- your pick\n");

// This function inputs wagers for both the No Match Dealer and
// Find the Ace games. It expects the available credits and the
// previous wager as arguments. The previous_wager is only important
// for the second wager in the Find the Ace game. The function
// returns -1 if the wager is too big or too little, and it returns
// the wager amount otherwise.
int take_wager(int available_credits, int previous_wager) {
int wager, total_wager;

printf("How many of your %d credits would you like to wager? ", available_credits);
scanf("%d", &wager);
if(wager < 1) { // Make sure the wager is greater than 0.
printf("Nice try, but you must wager a positive number!\n");
return -1;
total_wager = previous_wager + wager;
if(total_wager > available_credits) { // Confirm available credits
printf("Your total wager of %d is more than you have!\n", total_wager);
printf("You only have %d available credits, try again.\n", available_credits);
return -1;
return wager;

// This function contains a loop to allow the current game to be
// played again. It also writes the new credit totals to file
// after each game is played.
void play_the_game() {
int play_again = 1;
int (*game) ();
char selection;

while(play_again) {
printf("\n[DEBUG] current_game pointer @ 0x%08x\n", player.current_game);
if(player.current_game() != -1) { // If the game plays without error and
if(player.credits > player.highscore) // a new high score is set,
player.highscore = player.credits; // update the highscore.
printf("\nYou now have %u credits\n", player.credits);
update_player_data(); // Write the new credit total to file.
printf("Would you like to play again? (y/n) ");
selection = '\n';
while(selection == '\n') // Flush any extra newlines.
scanf("%c", &selection);
if(selection == 'n')
play_again = 0;
else // This means the game returned an error,
play_again = 0; // so return to main menu.

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