“There’s no substitute”: John A. Quelch and Anna Harrington, “Samsung Electronics
Company: Global Marketing Operations” (Harvard Business School Case 504-
051, March 2004, revised January 2008), https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/
“Products don’t sell themselves”: Eric Kim, interview by the author, April 26, 2015.
“We had a brainstorming [session]”: Thomas Rhee, interview by the author, May 8,
“soft porno”: Samsung design consultant, phone interview by the author, May 23,
showed an almost-nude woman: Samsung Electronics, Samsung television
commercial, Arnell Group, late 1990s. Commercial is in possession of the
Kim’s DigitAll campaign was unleashed: Samsung Electronics, “Samsung
Electronics Launches Digital Multimedia Platform Worldwide” (news
release), November 10, 1999, https://www.samsung.com/us/news/
“Peter kept Eric waiting”: Thomas Rhee, interview by the author, May 8, 2017.
“We want to beat Sony”: Heidi Brown, “Look Out, Sony,” Forbes, June 11, 2001,
And so Kim was reprimanded: Heidi Brown, Stephane Fitch, and Brett Nelson,
“Follow-Through,” Forbes, October 4, 2004, https://www.forbes.com/forbes/
“The article almost got me fired”: Eric Kim, email message to the author, April 30,
“weird situation”: Chi Young-cho (executive vice president for corporate strategy
and corporate development), interview by the author, November 16, 2010.
“Let’s not overspend on advertising”: Quelch and Harrington, “Samsung Electronics
“The product design and the product planning”: Jay Solomon, “Samsung Vies for
Starring Role in Upscale Electronics Market,” The Wall Street Journal, June
13, 2002, https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB1023932566661953320.
“Once upon a time”: Sherwood 48 Associates v. Sony Corp. of America, 213 F. Supp.
2d 376 (S.D.N.Y. 2002).
“It’s Spider-Man!”: Spider-Man, directed by Sam Raimi (Culver City, CA:
Columbia Pictures, 2002).
“I...went ballistic”: Eric Kim, email message to the author, April 28, 2017.
Samsung’s legal team prepared: Solomon, “Samsung Vies for Starring Role.”
“At the end of the day”: Former Samsung lawyer, interview by the author, June 2,