“FTC investigators cannot show up”: Ibid., p. 205.
fined Samsung Group affiliates six times: Park Min-ha, “Samsung, Repeated
Obstruction of Investigation...400 Million Won in Fines,” SBS, March 19,
2012, https://news.sbs.co.kr/news/endPage.do?news_id=N1001122402. This
source is in Korean. The author’s researcher translated the title and the quoted
text into English.
“Failing in cars, failing in ventures”: Kim, Thinking of Samsung, p. 202.
“The only people who really knew him”: Kim, “Woes of Jay Y.”
“Hyun introduced us”: Alan Plumb, interview by the author, August 20, 2014.
Rolls-Royce had just signed: “Rolls-Royce Trent 900 Clocks Up 6,000 Flying Hours
on the A380,” Defense Aerospace, July 17, 2006, http://www.defense-
“Jay said he didn’t understand”: Alan Plumb, interview by the author, August 20,
In 2004 Jay asked a Japanese engineer: Lee and Clenfield, “Samsung Low-Profile
Heir Poised to Succeed Father Seen as a God.”
“Jay came into design meetings a lot”: Former Samsung designer, phone interview
by the author, January 30, 2017.
“Which device is going to be”: Kim Gaeyoun, interview by the author, November
15, 2010.
“That became a fun rivalry”: Bill Ogle, interview by the author, January 6, 2017.
“We started thinking about this”: Peter Weedfald, interview by the author, February
24, 2016.
“It looks like a wineglass!”: Karen Freeze and Kyung-won Chung, “Design Strategy
at Samsung Electronics: Becoming a Top-Tier Company,” Harvard Business
Review (case no. DMI021-PDF-ENG), November 12, 2008, https://hbr.org/
Samsung selected an elite team: Ihlwan Moon, “Camp Samsung,” BusinessWeek,
July 3, 2006, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2006-07-02/camp-
“The design appears to be”: Freeze and Chung, “Design Strategy at Samsung
Yunje Kang, the designer: Yunje Kang, email message to the author, November 24,
selling more than three million units: Kim In-cheol. “Samsung Bordeaux TV, on a
Record-Breaking March,” Yonhap News Agency, syndicated by Korea
Economic Daily, March 13, 2007, https://www.hankyung.com/news/article/
2007031348458. This source is in Korean. The author’s researcher translated