Samsung Rising

(Barry) #1

They had fought, sacrificed, and succeeded: Steve Kovach, “How Samsung Won
and Then Lost.”
“I left Samsung destroyed”: Brian Wallace, interview by the author, January 6,

“We called that weight”: Former Galaxy marketer, interview by the author,
February 20, 2016.

The pressure from headquarters was rising: Ten former colleagues and employees
of Todd Pendleton, interviews and email correspondence with the author,
January 2016–February 2018.

“One Samsung”: Mark Bergen, “Samsung Restructures U.S. Marketing Team as
Mobile Division Falters,” Ad Age, November 4, 2014,
And Samsung brought back Jay-Z: Brad Wete, “Kanye West and Jay Z to Kick Off
Samsung’s SXSW Concert Series,” Billboard, March 10, 2014,

“Within a matter of hours”: Daren Tsui, interview by the author, January 10, 2017.

“Why are you guys doing this?”: Ibid.

“They were tracking us”: Ibid.

“Rosenberg suggested that”: Daren Tsui, email to the author, August 1, 2019.
in-house software called TouchWiz: Gordon Kelly, “How Google Used Motorola to
Smack Down Samsung—Twice,” Forbes, February 10, 2014,
“a revamped interface that resembled”: Brad Stone, “Google’s Sundar Pichai Is the
Most Powerful Man in Mobile,” Bloomberg Businessweek, June 27, 2014,

Google executives were furious: Ibid.
Pichai told Shin that Google: Ibid.

from nine to about twenty: Amir Efrati, “Google’s Confidential Android Contracts
Show Rising Requirements,” The Information, September 26, 2014,

“set as the default”: Ibid.

some Samsung executives thought: Four Samsung executives, interviews by the
author, January 2016–October 2017.

“reminiscent of the”: Ina Fried, “After Google Pressure, Samsung Will Dial Back
Android Tweaks, Homegrown Apps,” Recode, January 19, 2014,

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