
(Amit KumaranZ9-e) #1
Copyright © Swun Math Grade 8 Unit 2 Lesson 12 T TE

Final Check for Understanding

  • Are students able to articulate metacognition?

  • Are students able to articulate what they would do differently to solve the problem?

  • How did you solve the problem?

  • Are the students’ answers reasonable?

  • How would you describe the problem in your own words?

  • In what way does this problem connect to other mathematical concepts?

  • What approach are you considering trying first?

Reflective Closure

  • Were students able to apply what they learned about square roots and cube roots

when solving equations?

  • Were students able to verbalize and use mathematical language?

Answer Key


  1. The equation 푥푥^3 = 566− 54 has a greater value
    for 푥푥; 푥푥= 8
    For the equation 푥푥^2 =^982 ; 푥푥= ±7
    2. y = 3

  2. z=64 4. Yes, ─ 6 is a solution because (─6)²=(─6)(─6)=36

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