
(Amit KumaranZ9-e) #1
Copyright © Swun Math Grade 8 Unit 2 Constructed Response Rubric TE

Unit 1 ∙ Constructed


Unit 2 ∙ Constructed Response


TASK 1: Combining Exponents

Answer/Exemplar Standard Points

1a. 7 11 8.EE.1 1

1b. Deana made two errors. The first error was multiplying the bases.
The second error was multiplying the exponents, but they should
have been added. Deanna could decompose the problem to show
that 7 is being multiplied by itself 11 times, so the correct answer is
7 11.

8.EE.1 1

8.EE.1 1

2b. Add the exponents together.
8.EE.1 1

3a. 8.EE.1 1

3b. First, I used the power to power property to multiply the u in the
denominator. Then I used the division of like bases property to
subtract the exponents and simplify the problem.

8.EE.1 1

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