
(Amit KumaranZ9-e) #1

Copyright © Swun MathCopyright © Swun Math (^) Grade 8 Unit 3 Lesson 2 P TE

Challenge Problems

Directions: Solve.

  1. Bryan needs to convert the following
    number 10532017 into scientific notation.
    His work is listed below:

10.532017 × 10^6

Is he correct? Explain.

Incorrect; solution is 1.0532017 × 107

  1. When using a calculator to find the
    number of sand particles in a cup,
    Johnny’s scientific calculator read
    5.344e6. When converting this number
    into scientific notation, we would write

5.344 × (^106).
Convert these calculator’s readings to
scientific notation.
a) 6.72e–4
b) 3.291e9
a) 6.72 × 10 –4
b) 3.291 × 10^9
Extension Activity

  • MP1: Make sense of the problem and persevere in solving it.
    *MP4: Apply mathematics in everyday life.
    Work with a partner to find ways scientific notation is used in the real-world. Find at least 5
    examples. What pattern do you notice about the powers of ten?

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