
(Amit KumaranZ9-e) #1

Copyright © Swun Math (^) Grade 8 Unit 4 Lesson 10 P TE

Answer Key

Extension Activity

Answers will vary. Sample response:

Felicity is correct in the first argument. Having no solution simply means that, mathematically, there is no
possible number that would satisfy the equation. This is not because it’s too hard, but because the situation is
mathematically impossible.
Felicity is correct in the second equation. While sometimes an infinite number of solutions might mean all
numbers, positive or negative, there are cases where infinite solutions can only be positive or negative. For
example, with area, a length cannot be a negative number, and therefore, the infinite number of possible
lengths can only include positives.


  1. No solution^ 2. Infinite solutions

  2. Infinite solutions 4. No solution

  3. No solution 6. Infinite solutions

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