
(Amit KumaranZ9-e) #1
Grade 8 Unit 1 Lesson 7 P TE
Copyright © Swun Math


(Teacher Presents)

Directions: Estimate the decimal value. Use a calculator to check.

  1. −√ 75


  • −√ 75 can be thought of as (- 1) • −√ 75

  • −√ 75 can be approximated in the same manner and multiplied by –1

  • When considering√ 75 on a number line, the perfect square less than 75 is 64

• (^) √ 64 = 8

  • The perfect square greater than 75 is 81.

• (^) √ 81 = 9
• Now make the statement (^) √ 64 < √ 75 < √ 81.

  • Simplify 8 <√ 75 < 9

  • Recall, −√ 75 = (–1) •√ 75. Therefore, −√ 75 is between –8 and –9.

  • Calculator: −√ 75 ≈−8.7



  • First, focus on √ 150

  • On a number line, the perfect square less than 150 is 144.

• (^) √ 144 = 12

  • The perfect square greater than 150 is 169.

• (^) √ 169 = 13

  • Now, make the statement √ 144 < √ 150 <√ 169.

  • Simplify 12 <√ 150 < 13

  • So, √ 150 is between 12 and 13.

  • Looking at the original ratio, √^1502 I can now make the statement that, √^1502 is between^122 and^132 or 6 <

√ 150 < 6.5

  • Calculator: √^1502 ≈6.1

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