Economic Growth and Development

(singke) #1

  • Good institutions reduce the transaction costs associated with economic

  • Property rights impact on the efficiency of economic exchange and also on
    economic growth through investment and productivity.

  • There are three broad strands of evidence supporting the importance of
    institutions as a deeper determinant of economic growth: econometric stud-
    ies, case studies, and analysis of the results of attempts to create or
    strengthen property rights.

  • There is a longstanding debate about whether the tightening of intellectual
    property rights (IPRs) by the WTO and others is good or bad for develop-
    ing countries.

  • The policy implications associated with institutions are: the conventional
    view that emphasizes the strengthening of property rights; the importance
    of legal reform; institutional change; and an alternative view that empha-
    sizes the need to ensure ease of transfer of property rights (accumulation by

230 Patterns and Determinants of Economic Growth

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