14 Scientific American, April 2020
Stanford University
Illustrations by Thomas Fuchs
for Cells
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
improved cellular aging markers
in people with social anxiety
Depression, anxiety and other psychiatric
disorders can also influence physical health;
they are linked with increased risk of heart
disease, for example, and shorter life expec-
tancy. Recent research suggests this may
be related to accelerated aging—and new
work finds that a form of purely psychologi-
cal therapy can have a protective physio-
logical effect.
A study led by clinical psychologist Krist-
offer Månsson of the Karolinska Institute in
Sweden showed that cognitive-behavioral
therapy (CBT), a common psychotherapy
technique, not only reduced anxiety levels in
people with social anxiety disorder but also
improved cellular aging markers for some
patients. This finding could ultimately help
clinicians personalize treatments.
Telomeres, short DNA sequences that
cap chromosomes’ ends to protect them
from damage, indicate cellular age. Each
time a cell divides to drive growth and
repair, its telomeres shorten. The enzyme
telomerase maintains them to an extent, but
eventually they shorten so much that cells
can no longer divide, and signs of bodily
aging appear. Telomeres also shorten
through cellular damage caused by highly
oxidizing molecules called free radicals.
Many studies link stress with shorter
telomeres. And in 2015 researchers led by
clinical psychologist Josine Verhoeven of
Amsterdam University Medical Center
found that patients with an active anxiety
disorder had shorter telomeres than those
in remission or healthy controls.
In the new study, published last Decem-
ber in Translational Psychiatry, the scientists
first took two blood samples, nine weeks
apart, from 46 people with social anxiety dis-
order. They measured the subjects’ telomere
length as well as levels of telomerase and
glutathione peroxidase (GPx), an antioxidant
enzyme that counteracts free radical dam-
age. The participants received nine weeks
of online CBT and then gave another sample.
All measures remained largely unchanged
over the two samples prior to therapy. But
afterward, the subjects had increased GPx
into their flier. Motion-capture footage
showed how pigeons do this primarily by
opening and closing their wrist joints.
Once the researchers built a prototype—
a foam-board body with onboard electronic
guidance systems and elastic bands control-
ling real pigeon feathers—they first flexed
its wings in a wind tunnel to determine if it
could function in blustery real-world condi-
tions. It worked, paving the way for gliding
and turning tests outside the laboratory.
Chang piloted PigeonBot from the ground
and describes it as an incredibly nerve-
wracking experience: “[When] we had
landed in one piece, I do remember collaps-
ing on the ground afterward in this sense of
relief,” he says. The scientists published their
results in January in Science Robotics.
Pigeon feathers can automatically
attach to their neighbors to form a smooth,
flexible flying surface, and PigeonBot’s mak-
ers had to figure out exactly how. Like many
bird species, pigeons accomplish this with
microscopic structures called lobate cilia,
which ornithologists documented early in
the 20th century. But partly because of the
limits of light microscopy at the time, they
assumed birds’ lobate cilia worked by sim-
ply increasing friction between feathers,
much like rubbing pieces of sandpaper
together, says Teresa Feo, a zoologist at
the Smithsonian National Museum of Nat-
ural History, who contributed to a second
paper from the team in Science, also in Jan-
uary. “What we discovered is the actual
mechanism of those lobate cilia—that it is
not friction, but hooking,” Feo says. The
team demonstrated how these cilia release
when birds fold their wings and grab each
other again when the wings are extended.
Their new understanding was made
possible by modern analytic techniques
such as scanning electron and x-ray micro s-
copy and CT scans, says study co-author
Laura Mat loff, a mechanical engineer at
Stanford. “We’re the first to really revisit
[lobate cilia] with this new instrumenta-
tion,” she says.
But there are still mysteries about how
natural feathers work. The research group
found that the cilia are notably absent
from feathers of barn owls and nightjars,
two species that stalk prey at night. Like
Velcro, the microstructures are noisy when
they detach; in these stealthy hunters,
evolution may have favored silent flight
over feather connectivity. “It’s pretty clear
that this is an example of convergent evo-
lution, where there was a trade-off,” says
Julia Clarke, a paleontologist at the Univer-
sity of Texas at Austin, who was not involved
in the studies. Clarke is intrigued by the cil-
ia’s evolutionary history, although she says
the tiny structures may be hard to find in
the fossil record.
Emulating features that help make flying
surfaces soft but sturdy could be invaluable
in designing artificial morphing wings—
a key step to building next-generation
drones. Typical quadcopter-style drones
are maneuverable and adept at hovering
in place, but Chang says winged drones
could be faster and quieter. The Stanford
team is looking at how to best design not
just “an actual wing shape that gives you
more efficiency, but [the ability] to change
that wing shape very dynamically” for
streamlined flight, he says.
The research “points the way to new
forms of biomimetic flying robots that could
have a lot of useful applications,” says Phil
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