
(Barré) #1
34 Scientific American, April 2020 Illustration by Elena Hartley

that far surpasses that of any other current telescope at any
wavelength. Researchers must observe simultaneously with all
the telescopes and synchronize the data recorded on computer
disks at each site with the best atomic clocks. They then ship the
recorded data to a special computer that cross-correlates the sig-
nals among the telescopes. After some calibrations, the result is
a digital image of what we would see if our eyes were sensitive to
radio waves and separated by almost the entire width of the
planet. Such imagery represents an incredible angular resolu-
tion of better than 0.001 second of arc (there are 3,600 seconds
of arc in one degree, and the entire celestial sphere is 360 de -
grees). By comparison, the human eye can resolve structures
separated by at best about 40 seconds of arc, and even the Hub-

ble Space Telescope can achieve a resolu-
tion of only about 0.04 second of arc.
With VLBI, we can measure the position
of a radio-bright star relative to back-
ground quasars (bright active black holes at
the centers of distant galaxies) with an ac-
curacy approaching 0.00001 second of arc.
Making this comparison allows us to survey
very great distances by observing the paral-
lax effect, whereby a nearby object seen
against a distant background will appear at
different positions when viewed from dif-
ferent vantage points. You can simulate this
effect by looking at your thumb at arm’s
length and alternately closing your left eye
and your right eye. Our eyes are separated
by several centimeters, so a thumb at an
arm’s length will appear to shift by an angle
of about six degrees when viewed through
one eye and then the other. If one knows
the separation of the vantage points and
the observed angular shifts, it is easy to cal-
culate the distance. This is the same princi-
ple that surveyors use to map cities.
Ideally, to map spiral structure, astron-
omers should observe young massive stars.
These short-lived stars are often associat-
ed with intense bouts of stellar formation
within spiral arms and are so hot that they
ionize the gas around them, causing it to
glow in blue light and creating a spiral-
arm-tracing beacon visible across the cos-
mos. But trapped within the Milky Way’s
dusty disk, we cannot easily observe such
stars throughout our own galaxy. Fortu-
nately, molecules of water and methyl al-
cohol just outside the regions ionized by
these hot stars can be very bright radio
sources because they emit natural “maser”
emission that is barely attenuated by ga-
lactic dust. The word “maser” is an acro-
nym for “microwave amplification by
stimulated emission of radiation,” and
this radiation is the radio analogue of an
optical-light laser. In astrophysical set-
tings, maser emission comes from solar
system–scale clouds of gas whose mass is comparable to that of
Jupiter. What we see in radio images are extremely bright “spots”
that are nearly ideal targets for parallax measurements.

Between the Bessel survey and the VERA project, astronomers
have amassed about 200 parallax-based distance measurements
for young hot stars across large regions of the Milky Way. These
data, which give us good coverage of about one third of the Milky
Way, reveal four arms that are continuous over great distances.
The map also shows that the sun is very close to a fifth feature
called the Local arm, which seems to be an isolated fragment of a
spiral arm. Previously this fragment had been called the Orion or

1 arcsecond



1 degree

(360 degrees)


1 degree

1 arcsecond

Eagle Eyes on the Sky

Measuring the minuscule parallax angle for star-forming regions on the other side
of the galaxy requires extreme angular resolution currently achievable only through
precisely combining simultaneous observations from multiple radio telescopes
across the globe. This illustration reveals the power of the
technique, known as Very Long Baseline Interferometry,
which can reach resolutions about 40 times better than
the sharpest images from the Hubble Space Telescope.

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