The Washignton Post - 04.04.2020

(Brent) #1

saturday, april 4 , 2020. the washington post ez re k A1 7

Free For All

Jabin botsford/the washington post
Deborah Birx and Anthony S. Fauci listen to President Trump during a briefing at the White House on March 20.

“Race, privilege and toilet
duty: Life at Harvard for a black
freshman in 1959,” Randall Ken-
nedy’s March 22 Book World
review of Kent Garrett and
Jeanne Ellsworth’s “The Last
Negroes at Harvard: The Class of
196 3 and the 18 Young Men Who
Changed Harvard Forever,” be-
spoke his point of view.
I had the enormous luck to
spend my 1955 -1956 starter year
at Harvard College in the Hollis
South freshman dorm. Outrank-
ing other good friends who were
graduates of the Bush family’s
Phillips Academy Andover, the
clear “grandee” in Hollis South
was Robert Patterson Watkins
III of the iconic Boston Latin
Watkins’s “upper class” years
were in Eliot House. He went on
to Columbia Law School, to the
“other Cambridge” in the United
Kingdom and to the Justice
Department and the U.S. attor-
ney’s office before decades as a
senior partner of the p reeminent
litigation firm of Williams &
Watkins was a good friend in
our f reshman year, a nd o ur fami-
lies have been close friends for
decades. He and I are longtime
members of what The Post re-
cently called the “posh” Metro-
politan Club, and, with others in
our 1955 -1956 freshman dorm,
our couples jointly attended our
Class o f 1959 6 0th reunion in o ur
Cambridge last May.
To Kennedy, who has made a
career of laments, another good
lawyer respectfully replies:
Enough already.
Terry Murphy, Bethesda

A Harvard

success story

Regarding John W. Mayo and Mark Whitener’s
March 2 2 Outlook e ssay, “ Five Myths: A ntitrust law”:
I have a great deal of respect for both authors and
worked closely with Mayo on projects and litigations
during the all-too-brief golden age of competition in
telecommunications a nd broadband in the late 1990s
and early 2000s. Though I agree generally with their
responses to these common myths and have made
similar a rguments over the y ears, I disagree w ith their
response to Myth No. 2, “Antitrust protects smaller
firms from their big rivals.” They are certainly right
that the law has developed to make clear that the
antitrust laws protect competition itself, not any
individual c ompetitors. The basis of our economy and
of the antitrust laws is that vigorous competition
produces the best outcomes for consumers. There-
fore, the antitrust laws protect the competitive pro-
cess itself, a nd they do that by e nsuring c ompetition is
not constrained by any single company abusing its
market power (under Section 2 of the Sherman Anti-
trust Act) or any group of companies abusing the
competitive process (generally under Section 1 of the
Sherman Act). The authors concluded their response
to Myth No. 2 by noting that “enforcers and courts
tend to take competitors’ complaints about their
rivals’ behavior with a grain of salt.” That is true, and,
in my v iew, m ore unfortunate the more true it is.
Competitors are the first ones to notice that other,
usually bigger companies are abusing their market
power, and they often notice that by observing that
they are b eing hurt by the a nticompetitive conduct of
those companies. So while some competitors’ com-
plaints may not be true, one would hope that enforc-
ers and courts have become sophisticated enough to
look carefully and not just take all competitors’ com-
plaints with a grain of salt. In the olden days of coal
mining, before there was technology to do the job,
miners (it is said) would take a canary into the mines,
because canaries were more sensitive than people to
the poison gases that could lurk in the mines. If the
canary died, the miners took it as a warning that the
air i n the mines was poisonous. So r ather t han s imply
writing off competitors’ complaints as whining, en-
forcers and c ourts would h elp consumers much more
quickly and effectively by understanding that com-
petitors’ complaints and the damage they are seeing
to their businesses could be the “canaries in the coal
mine,” warning that one or more companies had
poisoned the a ir for competition.
Jeffrey Blumenfeld, Washington
The writer is an antitrust lawyer.

Big companies

a nd little birds

Thank you to the Post staff who contributed two
pages of sports movie recommendations in lieu of
the real-time action that we prize but cannot enjoy
during social distancing [“Sports movies for when
there’s no sports,” Sports, March 22]. Perhaps the
staff was preoccupied with the pandemic because
there was no mention of films about running. The
absence of running movies is noted particularly as
the sport makes headlines: USA Track & Field
requests postponing the To kyo Olympics, the Boston
Marathon moves from April to September and the
District’s historic Cherry Blossom Te n Mile Run
switched to a virtual race.
For starters, these films have an IMDb rating of
seven or higher and are broadly appealing: “Chariots
of Fire” (1981), “Forrest Gump” (1994), “Without
Limits” ( 1998), “The Long Green Line” ( 2008), “Un-
broken” (2014) and “Skid Row Marathon” (2017).
Please let readers know great sports movies also
include those without bats, balls, pucks and clubs.
Anne Pitchford Coia, Washington
The writer is head of community outreach
f or the DC Road Runners Club.

It irked me that none of the writers mentioned
the 1932 Marx Brothers’ classic college football
movie, “Horse Feathers.” Never was football so
Bruce James, Silver Spring

It was discouraging to note that in the March 22
list of sports movie recommendations, which did
include films about such borderline “sporting”
activities as pro wrestling, fishing, auto racing and
pool, not a single film about soccer was deemed
There is no doubt that in the sports world of the
United States, soccer is subordinate in significance
to football, basketball, etc.
However, I would think that in a list of 32 movies
there would be space for at least “Bend It Like
Beckham,” “ Chasing the Game,” “ The Other Kids” or
“The Miracle Match.”
If “Mr. Baseball” Thomas Boswell can single out a
movie about shooting pool, I would think that soccer
would at least be on someone’s radar.
Daniel W. Keiper, Falls Church

Movies with running times

stephanie k. kuykendal for the washington post
Gurinder Chadha, director of “Bend It Like Beckham,” poses with the movie poster.

The March 23 print edition featured historical
ironies in the comics section. “Loose Parts” featured
a bar named “Molotov’s” serving the epony-
mous cocktail, very droll on its surface. The first true
molotov cocktails were “served” by inventive Finn-
ish soldiers, facing Soviet tanks in the 1939 -
Winter War, in honor of Soviet Foreign Minister

Vyacheslav Molotov’s birthday on March 9. The
irony? The publication date of the cartoon strip just
missed both the architect of the Molotov-Ribbentrop
Pact’s birthday and the 80 th anniversary o f the
formal end, March 13, to that brutal war that
preserved Finland’s independence.
Larry Butler, Reston

This drink burns

dave blazek/the washington post news service and syndicate
The March 23 “Loose Parts”

I opened the March 24 Post, expecting coverage of
a major event from the previous day. But nowhere,
from the front page to A26, was a column inch
devoted to Colorado’s governor signing into law the
repeal of that state’s death penalty, b ringing to 22 the
number of states without capital punishment.
At one time, the national strategy was to wait until
the number of states without the death penalty
reached 26 before a test case would be brought
before the Supreme Court. Then an argument could
be made that the punishment is unconstitutional
because it is both unusual and cruel.
I oppose the death penalty, along with about half
the country, because it keeps society no safer nor
deters violence any better than long, harsh sentenc-
es. It r evictimizes survivors of the deceased who wait
an average of 20 years for an execution. It extin-
guishes any possibility of rehabilitation. (It’s called a
“corrections” system, right?) And because a death
sentence drains more tax dollars than a life sentence,
it depletes resources that could be used to heal
victims’ families and underwrite crime prevention
measures (education, housing, job training).
Regardless of one’s moral stance on capital pun-
ishment, certainly the issue merits media coverage.
Richard Stack, Silver Spring

An unusual

l ack of coverage

The photograph of infectious disease expert Anthony S. Fauci
that accompanied the March 25 news article “As the economy
stalls, Trump’s tug-of-war with scientists escalates” proved the
old adage that one picture is worth a thousand words.
Allen Tobias, H untington, Md.

Ashley Parker’s March 18 White House Debrief, “ Pandem-
ic response has become a reality show — and everyone has a
role,” a ccurately and cleverly described the various roles p layed
by the president and administration officials during ongoing
news conferences on the coronavirus. The “Trump cheerlead-
ers” (of whom the vice president is a prime example) and
“competent government bureaucrats” trying to clearly explain
what’s going on reveal themselves with great consistency as we
watch daily.
I urge reporters to refrain from asking provocative questions.
They lead to exaggerated statements by the president (rating
himself a “10” as Parker reported) and to fights with the usual
“enemy”: the media. For example, o n March 1 8, the media didn’t
report what the president did (restrict entry from China and
elsewhere) to make the situation so good. On March 19, it was

“fake news” — reporting without asking his opinion. And on
March 18, in describing how popular he is (in response to a
question), he managed to slip in that he’s beating former vice
president Joe Biden i n Florida. I h ope t hat The Post c ontinues to
report its factual stories about the real issue, the pandemic.
Ruth Salinger, Bethesda

Kudos for the March 25 news articles “This pathogen isn’t
alive. That’s why it’s so hard to kill” and “Slow mutation rate
encourages researchers.” The interviews with seven distin-
guished virologists and biologists lead us to urge Congress to
hold televised but unattended hearings so that the public can
better understand what is going on with the coronavirus and
the covid-19 illness it causes and the efforts to develop an
effective vaccine.
These articles were a timely and reassuring reminder of the
great wealth of scientific and medical expertise that our nation
enjoys and the importance of our political leaders relying on
that expertise.
Judy Israel, R ockville
Elihu Leifer, Chevy Chase

Don’t touch your face. Unless it’s to facepalm.

With the new enforced time indoors, more of us
than ever are trying to solve the daily crossword
puzzles. The March 20 Los Angeles Times puzzle
would have been solvable if only The Post h ad used
the titles that the L.A. Times assigned to it.
Searching o nline, I found that the March 20 puzzle
should have been called “Anagram That.” Sudden-
ly, the four meaningless anchor clues became
Ellen Korb, Silver Spring

Entitled to titles

The caption with the photograph that accompa-
nied the March 22 obituary for Wolf Kahn,
“Celebrated painter of lush landscapes relished his
bold palette,” stated, “Mr. Kahn said his work was
inspired by the landscape of his.” As you see, the
caption ended mid-sentence. I would have liked to
know what inspired Kahn.
Joseph Scafetta Jr., Falls Church

Entitled to complete captions

The March 20 news article on spring breakers in
Florida, “In Florida, older set anxious as spring
breakers try to keep the party going,” devoted an
entire page and 1,400 words to young revelers ignor-
ing social distancing calls, thus endangering the
elderly. In the center of the page was a photograph of
elderly people dancing in tight embrace. The caption
said, “Betty Pochinski, 77, and Ed Wilson, 8 3, d ance as
a band plays March 11 in The Villages, Fla., home to a
large r etirement community.”
T here was not a single w ord in the article about o ld
people partying while their peers complain about the
young. That should have gotten a few paragraphs, at
least, to highlight the c ontrast.
Concepcion Badillo-Debusmann, Washington

Spring breakers and rule breakers

I enjoyed Kevin Carey’s March 22 Washington
Post Magazine article, “What happened to school
reform?” I, too, believe 2002’s No Child Left Behind
Act was a ham-handed federal effort to improve
public education and was riddled with mistakes. But
on one point, Carey was dead wrong. “A s for charter
schools,” he wrote, “studies have shown that they
have not on average performed appreciably better
than regular public schools.”
This may have been true of standardized test
scores more than a decade ago, when the oft-cited
Stanford University’s Center for Research on Educa-
tion Outcomes (CREDO) issued its first national
report, which included data through 2007 -2008. But
that was a long time and many studies ago. In 2 015, a
CREDO study of 41 urban regions showed that in
urban charter schools, students received the rough
equivalent of 40 more days of learning in math and
28 days in reading every year compared with
demographically similar children who remained in
district schools. Children who remained in a charter
for four or more years gained roughly 108 days of
learning in math and 72 days in reading. If you
average those two, you get 90 days — the equivalent
of attending school for 50 percent more time every
C REDO studies have also shown that online
charter school students perform abysmally on
standardized tests, dragging down overall charter
results. And what about non-urban charters?
Though I can find no studies targeting suburban
charter schools, broader studies suggest they have
average test scores that are no better than their local
district schools. Why would this be? Perhaps be-
cause few suburban parents send their kids to
charter schools to get higher test scores. More often,
they choose charters to engage their children who
are bored or uncomfortable in district schools. Many
suburban charters use project-based learning, for
instance, and don’t particularly care about stan-
dardized tests.
Finally, Carey’s assertion also failed to capture
non-test measures of performance, such as atten-
dance rates, graduation rates, college-going rates,
and student and parent satisfaction. The few studies
that have focused on these measures also find higher
performance in charter schools than in district
David Osborne, Washington
The writer directs the education work
of the Progressive Policy Institute and is the author
o f “Reinventing America’s Schools: Creating a 21st
Century Education System.”

Charter schools make the grade

eve edelheit for the washington post

Dancers in T he Villages, Fla., on March 11.

 letters can be sent to [email protected].
submissions must be exclusive to the post and should
include the writer's address and day and evening
telephone numbers. letters are subject to editing and
abridgment. please do not send letters as attachments.
because of the volume of material we receive, we are
unable to acknowledge submissions; writers whose letters
are under consideration for publication will be contacted.

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