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Acknowledgements This work is an outcome of the IMBIE supported by the ESA Climate
Change Initiative and the NASA Cryosphere Program. A.S. was additionally supported by a
Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award and the UK Natural Environment Research
Council Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling.

Author contributions A.S. and E.I. designed and led the study. E.R., B.S., M.v.d.B., I.V. and
P.W. led the IOM, altimetry, SMB, gravimetry and GIA experiments, respectively. G.K., S.N.,

T.P. and T. Scambos provided additional supervision on glaciology, K.B., A.H., I.J., M.E.E. and
T.W. provided additional supervision on satellite observations and N.S. provided additional
supervision on GIA. G.M., M.E.P. and T. Slater performed the mass balance data collation
and analysis. T. Slater performed the AR5 data analysis. P.W. and I.S. performed the GIA data
analysis. M.v.W. and T. Slater performed the SMB data analysis. A.S., E.I., K.B., M.E., N.G.,
A.H., H.K., M.M., I.O., I.S., T. Slater, M.v.W. and P.W. wrote the manuscript. A.S. led the writing,
E.I., K.B., M.E., and T. Slater led the drafting and editing, M.v.W. led the SMB text, P.W. and I.S.
led the GIA text and N.G., A.H., H.K., M.M. and I.O. contributed elsewhere. A.S., K.B., H.K.,
G.M., M.E.P, I.S., S.B.S., T. Slater, P.W. and M.v.W. prepared the figures and tables, with
particular focus on Fig.  1 (S.B.S), Fig.  3 (T. Slater), Fig.  4 (T. Slater), Extended Data Fig. 2
(K.B.), Extended Data Fig. 3 (P.W.), Extended Data Fig. 2 (M.v.W.), Extended Data Table 1 (P.W.
and I.S.), Extended Data Table 2 (M.v.W.) and Supplementary Table 1 (H.K. and T. Slater). G.M.
and M.E.P. led the production of all other figures and tables. All authors participated in the
data interpretation and commented on the manuscript.

Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary information is available for this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.S.
Peer review information Nature thanks Christina Hulbe, Andreas Kääb and the other,
anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
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