
(Sean Pound) #1


Extended Data Fig. 1 | ADAM10 and EpCAM levels following lysosomal
inhibition with ammonium chloride, chloroquine or bafilomycin or
proteasomal inhibition with MG132. a, Time course of f low-cytometry
analysis of ADAM10 following lysosomal inhibition with ammonium chloride
(NH 4 Cl, 20 mM), chloroquine (CQ, 50 μM) or PBS as a control; n = 3.
b–d, Western blot analysis of ADAM10 and SQSTM1 following lysosomal
inhibition with NH 4 Cl, CQ or bafilomycin (BAF, 10 nM). Shown are a
representative western blot from four independent experiments (b),
quantification of ADAM10 levels (n = 5) (c) and quantification of SQSTM1 levels
(n = 3) (d) at 24 h after inhibition. e, f, Representative histogram (e) and

quantification (f) of cell-surface EpCAM in BAF-treated A549 cells; n = 3. g, Time
course of f low-cytometry analysis of EpCAM following treatment with NH 4 Cl or
CQ; n = 4. h, i, ADAM10, P4D1 and actin levels following proteasomal inhibition
with the chemical compound MG132. Shown are a f low-cytometry time course
of cell-surface ADAM10 levels following MG132 treatment (h) and a
representative western blot from three independent experiments (i); n = 3.
Measurements were taken from distinct samples and graphs show
mean ± s.e.m. a, c, d, f–h, One-way ANOVA with Dunnet’s post-test compared
with PBS treatment or time 0.
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