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Acknowledgements We thank the Genentech FACS Core for supporting the prompt sorting of
T cells, and S. Kummerfeld for advice and assistance with initial data analyses. We also thank
A. Lun for discussions regarding reference gene signatures and labelling of single cells.

Author contributions J.L.G. and P.E.dA. conceived and designed the study. T.D.W.
conceived and performed bioinformatic data analysis and generated figures. P.E.dA.,
D.E.dA.N., E.Y.C., X.D., H.-M.L., A.S.C., K.L.B., H.I., C.P., A.A.-Y., C.T., S.K. and S. Madireddi
processed and prepared samples for sequencing and provided valuable discussion and
analysis. Y.-J.J.C., L.D.G., S. Madireddi, P.E.dA. and Z.M. optimized and performed single-
cell RNA and TCR sequencing and processing. W.E.O’G., S. Mariathasan, M.B., P.C., M.D.T.,
M.A.H. and I.E. managed biomarker data collection from clinical trials. R. Banchereau
conceived and analysed association with clinical data. T.D.W., L.D., R. Bourgon, I.M. and
J.L.G. contributed to discussions and writing of the manuscript. All authors reviewed and
approved the final version.
Competing interests All authors are employees of Genentech, which develops and markets
drugs for profit.

Additional information
Supplementary information is available for this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to T.D.W. or J.L.G.
Peer review information Nature thanks Xiang Chen, Xiaole Shirley Liu and the other,
anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
Reprints and permissions information is available at http://www.nature.com/reprints.
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