
(Sean Pound) #1

Author contributions S.A. and M.A.I.J. performed the measurements under the supervision of
V.M., A.L. and A.M., with the assistance of V.S., M.T.M. and H.R.F.; S.A. and M.A.I.J. analysed the
data under the supervision of V.M. and A.M., with the assistance of H.R.F., V.S., J.J.P. and A.L.;
A.D.B., S.A., V.M., B.J. and A.M. developed a microscopic theory supported by finite-element
modelling by B.J. and electronic structure calculations by A.D.B.; F.E.H. partially fabricated the
device under the supervision of A.S.D., on isotopically enriched material supplied by K.M.I. and
M.T.M. subsequently fabricated the aluminium gate structures under the supervision of V.M.
and A.M.; J.C.M. designed and performed the^123 Sb ion implantation; S.A., V.M., B.J., M.A.I.J.,
A.D.B., H.R.F. and A.M. wrote the manuscript and Supplementary Information, with input from
all co-authors; A.M. initiated and supervised the research programme.

Competing interests S.A., V.M. and A.M. have submitted a patent application that describes
the use of electrically controlled high-spin nuclei for quantum information processing

Additional information
Supplementary information is available for this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.M.
Reprints and permissions information is available at http://www.nature.com/reprints.
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