2020-04-01 Marie Claire

(Tina Sui) #1

Globally, they now hold the majority of leadership roles

in corporate responsibility and sustainability divisions.

This can’t be an accident; a growing wealth of research

shows that businesses with more women in leadership

roles more successfully shift focus from maximizing short-

term profits to achieving longer-term goals of growth and

environmental sustainability. And the bigger the com-

pany, the more this can matter. While we often associate

sustainability with hipster startups hawking felt sneakers

and other eco-friendly products, the most impactful

changes are happening precisely where we don’t often

expect them—at massive global corporations.

Sarah Chandler, the senior director of operations and

environmental issues at Apple, is one such corporate

good citizen leading the charge. She knew she wanted to

work for planet Earth as a high schooler in the early ’90s.

Growing up on a maple-syrup farm in western Massa-

chusetts, she saw how the weather affected production.

“I definitely give my upbringing credit for my profes-

sional aspirations,” she says.

Chandler, who holds an MBA from Stanford Univer-

sity, started at Apple as an intern. It was 2006, and

Greenpeace gave Apple a rating of 2.7 out of 10 for sustain-

ability, citing the company’s use of toxic chemicals, poor

recycling program, and lack of transparency. But over the

past decade, under the leadership of CEO Tim Cook,

Apple has righted its course, reducing carbon emissions

by 64 percent—even while the company’s energy use has

tripled. Today, 100 percent of Apple’s operations—from

data centers to offices and retail stores—are powered

solely by renewable energy. And here’s where that ripple

effect kicks in: Chandler and her team have successfully

lobbied 44 of Apple’s suppliers to commit to using 100

percent renewable energy for their Apple load as well.

Still, there’s much work to be done. Apple sent 36.5

million pounds of waste to landfills in 2018, not to

mention the hazardous manufacturing waste landfills

wouldn’t take (which nearly doubled from 2017 to 2018).

Given increasing demand, the company is searching for

innovative ways to minimize this waste. One such project:

a pair of Apple robots (both named Daisy—one in Austin,

the other in the Netherlands) that disassembled and

recycled a million spent iPhones last year. This recycling,

along with the refurbishment of nearly eight million

devices in 2018, helped divert more than 150 million

pounds of materials from landfills. “You can probably

hear the pride in my voice,” says Chandler of the duo.

Like Apple’s Chandler, Google’s sustainability officer,

Kate Brandt, tackled environmental issues early in her

career. In 2014, she was named the United States’ first

federal chief sustainability officer. A year later, Brandt

moved to Google. In D.C., she saw how much of an impact

she could have in the private sector. Auspiciously, on her

first day on the job in 2015, Google joined with President

Obama and other businesses to launch the American

Business Act on Climate Pledge, a commitment to sup-

port the larger Paris Climate Agreement’s goals for a low-

carbon future, which Brandt had worked on at the White

House. Google has been carbon neutral in its operations—

using as much renewable energy as possible and purchas-

ing carbon offsets to counter the rest—since 2007. But

those offsets don’t technically negate the massive amount

of energy needed to power an estimated 5.5 billion Google

searches each day and over 500 hours of YouTube video

uploads every minute. No wonder one of Brandt’s most

urgent initiatives at Google has been to drive a “circular

economy” that eliminates waste and pollution through

the use of renewable materials across the company’s op-

erations. “Our whole economy since the industrial revolu-

tion has been built on this notion of taking something

out of the ground, manufacturing it into a product, and

eventually throwing it away,” she says. That model won’t

serve the future, so Google now resells millions of used

components, helping to save the company millions of

dollars and keeping materials out of landfills.

Brandt’s strategy is not just to build sustainability into

the company’s internal practices and products but also

to enable the public to make sustainable-living choices

with tools like Google Maps and Project Sunroof. “There’s

a huge sense of urgency. Science tells us we have 10 more

years to turn this all around,” says Brandt, citing a 2018

United Nations report on climate change. That urgency

grows more acute with every environmental protection

the Trump administration rescinds—from drilling and

emissions regulations to energy-efficiency standards.

Google and Apple took a stand in 2017, soon after

President Trump signaled his intention to withdraw the

United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. Along

with leaders from nearly 4,000 public and private entities,

they signed the “We Are Still In” Declaration, vowing a

global effort to hold warming to under 2 degrees Celsius,

with or without federal support.

Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, also signed on. Last fall,

possibly under pressure from nearly 2,000 workers unit-

ed as Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, he commit-

ted to a plan to meet the Paris agreement goals—10 years

ahead of schedule. And in February, Bezos announced he

would be dedicating $10 billion of his personal wealth to

addressing the climate crisis. A key player in the develop-

ment and execution of the Climate Pledge, which com-

mits the company to reaching net-zero carbon through

innovations and investments by 2040, was Kara Hurst,

Amazon’s head of worldwide sustainability.

“I completely geek out on solving this challenge,” says

Hurst, a former CEO of the Sustainability Consortium.

“In small organizations, you don’t have dissimilar prob-

lems, but the scale of the impact of your decisions may

be much less.” Hurst is helping Amazon—a company

widely criticized for adding congestion and heat-trapping

gases to our roads and skies and filling landfills with

shipping materials—to solve challenges including how to

choose the best ways to save energy and resources. With

little time to waste to meet such ambitious goals, Hurst’s

team has pushed such initiatives as the purchase of

100,000 electric delivery vans. The company also launched

a lightweight recyclable padded mailer, helping eliminate

the equivalent of more than 100 billion shipping boxes.

Hurst’s goal is not only to help Amazon become green-

er but also to share the tenets of its success with its many

thousands of vendors. “If Amazon can’t mechanize a strat-

egy for others along the line to replicate,” says Hurst, “it

stops with us. And that’s not a success.”




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