ON WHAT SHE’S FIGHTING FOR: One of my ultimate motiva-
tions for working to protect our planet is my children. As a
mother, I want them, and their children, to experience the same
beautiful, healthy planet I got to experience.
A few years ago, I had the honor of participating and speak-
ing at a meeting of the Global Pact for the Environment, which
is a government-led proposal aimed to combine international
environmental laws into one binding document. Global warm-
ing needs to be met with global action, and it was incredibly
humbling to be there as a UNEP ambassador and talk with many
others who are doing their part to make the world a better place.
For many years, I didn’t know what my voice was or how to use
it, so to be speaking alongside world leaders about a cause I am
deeply passionate about is really motivating.
in mind and teach my kids the three Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle.
This straightforward approach allows us to work toward simple,
alternative, eco-friendly processes in our everyday lives that can
make a big difference. My family tries to focus on limiting the
use of paper and plastic at home. We utilize a water filter and
reusable water bottles and compost all our natural food waste.
When we go grocery shopping, we always bring our own bags,
and by buying from local farmers we reduce packaging waste.
We do our best, but it can be challenging when it comes to living
completely green—and that’s OK. I always remind my kids that
every choice we make has an impact on our planet and that we
always need to try our best; that’s what matters.
I try to lead by example in my daily life and teach my children
about all the incredible things that our planet provides us. We
wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for our planet; this is our only home.
As a mother, I cherish the moments we get to spend in nature
and learn together by doing. I love seeing my kids get excited
when they find fresh eggs in our chicken coop or harvest the
vegetables from our garden.
As a family, we also each have our reusable water bottles, and
the kids understand single-use plastic is really hurting our plan-
et. I see them talking with their friends about it and showing
them their water bottles in hopes they might join them and use
them too. It makes me so proud to see them eager to share it
with their friends. Although a simple, small gesture, this is what
it’s all about: having positive conversations, taking a solutions-
oriented approach, and learning from one another.
One story that I can remember is when we were at the
beach and my son Benny found plastic in the ocean. He was so
upset, and I explained to him that this is what happens after
we discard things; they go to landfills and sometimes end up
in the ocean. For the past couple of years, he decided that he
did not want presents from his friends at his birthday party.
Instead, he would like if they could donate to organizations
that help endangered species.
ON PARENTING: My main focus with my children is to try to
lead by example. Growing up, I was teased a lot because of my
height. I was taller than all the boys and girls in my class, and
some of the words my classmates said to me were hurtful and
embarrassing. It took me many years to realize that my peers
and the words they said did not have the power to define me
unless I let them. Words have the power to inspire, to hurt, to
motivate. I try to show my kids how words have so much power
and to use them with care. If they don’t have anything loving to
say, then they shouldn’t say anything; each person is special in
his or her own way, and everybody has something unique to add
to this world. We are all here to learn and grow.
ON HER APPROACH TO DIET: I find balance is key to main-
taining a healthy diet. At our house, we try to eat organic
foods that are in season and locally grown. We believe that by
buying locally, we’ll have a better chance at getting foods that
are fresh and also support local farmers. We eat mostly a
plant-based diet. It makes us feel good, and it also has less of
an impact on the environment, but I’m not super strict and
believe everything is OK in moderation. My ultimate guilty
pleasure is dark chocolate.
I recently executive-produced a documentary called Kiss the
Ground that shows how our health and the health of our planet
are deeply connected. Scientists say if current rates of degrada-
In honor of her
40th birthday,
plans to plant
another 40,000
trees in her
native Brazil as
part of her
$2,045, TOP,
$2,095, SHOES,
$1,145, DOLCE