The Economist UK - 16.11.2019

(John Hannent) #1
The EconomistNovember 16th 2019 19

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Warren’s classical economics
The Economistis concerned
about Elizabeth Warren’s
“dubious...vilification of busi-
ness” (“A plan for American
capitalism”, October 26th). Yet
the principles that lie behind
the Democratic presidential
candidate’s proposals are
similar to those found in parts
of Adam Smith’s “The Wealth
of Nations”. He too argued that
wide gaps between the classes
are dangerous and thought
that the most scrupulous and
suspicious attention should be
paid to any policy plans com-
ing from businessmen.
In recent decades gains
from productivity increases
have been monopolised by the
wealthy, a contrast to Smith’s
belief that productivity gains
from the division of labour lift
the lowest ranks of people. Ms
Warren advocates a return to
the Glass-Steagall Act; Smith
also called for the careful
regulation of banking.
It is right to be concerned
about excessive government,
but Smith himself said there is
a role for government when
businesspeople neglect ethics.
Today’s market system needs a
significant course correction
towards the direction of equal
justice. Such a correction
would be entirely consistent
with Smith’s simple secret for
prosperity: justice, liberty and
john hill
Emeritus professor of politics
and history
Curry College
Milton, Massachusetts

You concluded that Ms Warren
underestimates “the dynamic
power of markets to help
middle-class Americans”. But
for years now the American
middle classes have witnessed
their own destruction by un-
leashed market forces.
The “power of markets”
allowed my family’s health-
insurance company to deny
payments for crucial tests and
hospital care during the treat-
ment of a life-threatening
disease (the doctors who
helped us through endless
appeals often do this for long
lists of very sick patients). The

university where I teach has
opened food banks in recent
years. And during the wave of
foreclosures it was not the
invisible hand of the market
but our local congresswoman
who reached out to help
families keep their homes.
sharona muir
Perrysburg, Ohio

As a Republican who lived in
California for 40 years, and
who was a close neighbour of
Ronald Reagan, my politics
have changed since living in
Norway. Capitalism is based on
selfishness. The welfare states
are based on unselfish love. If
equality of opportunity is an
essential element of an effi-
cient, happy and healthy soci-
ety, Elizabeth and Bernie are on
the right track.
bob o’connor
Eiksmarka, Norway

Ms Warren has properly
diagnosed America’s
problems, but she is offering
the wrong prescriptions. Not
only do they have no chance of
passing legislative muster,
they won’t even gain the sup-
port of many Democrats. Her
plans are heavy-handed and
expensive, and do not recog-
nise what many studies of
human behaviour have verified
over the years: incentives work
better than regulation.
john thomas
Fort Collins, Colorado

When East met West
Helmut Kohl’s decision to
swap East German Ostmarks at
the same exchange rate as
Deutschmarks was one cause
of the discontentment sur-
rounding German unification
(“Thirty years after the Wall
fell”, November 2nd). More
important was the West Ger-
man unions imposing their
own collective wage bargain-
ing on less productive East
German workers, thus prevent-
ing their western production
line moving east. This resulted
in the deindustrialisation of
the former East Germany.
Compounding this was the
transfer of the generous West
German welfare system to the
lower cost-of-living East,

making unemployment a long-
term occupation for many. My
own analysis of Germany’s
Mezzogiorno(fiscal transfers
from west-to-east and labour
migration from east-to-west)
showed how ten years after the
collapse of communism the
German state often paid more
in welfare than the average
salary in the East German
labour market. Now, 30 years
on, many of those who were
unemployed will be claiming
state pensions.
will page

Southern ticket-splitters
“Democrats in Dixie” (Novem-
ber 2nd) suggested that John
Bel Edwards, the Democratic
governor of Louisiana, is the
only person from his party to
hold that office “in the South”.
No doubt you meant the Deep
South. North Carolina and
Virginia also have Democratic
governors. To your point about
pragmatic local politics, in the
election of 2016 voters in North
Carolina replaced the incum-
bent Republican governor
(who supported the divisive
bathroom bill) with a Demo-
crat, and at the same time
voted for Donald Trump.
richard bethune
Raleigh, North Carolina

Scandalous scoff
I am not surprised that the
food is so unpopular at Larkhill
Garrison (“Marching on its
stomach”, October 26th). I was
the last director of defence
catering before the position
vanished. British soldiers used
to have a small amount of
money, known as the daily
messing rate, deducted from
their pay each month. This
covered as much food and
beverages as they wanted, and
really needed—infantrymen
burn calories at a terrific rate
and eat a huge amount of food.
The meals were nutritionally
balanced. But this old system
was decreed unfair by a bunch
of mps and civil servants
because some troops ate less
than others, and some may
have even missed meals.
So the Ministry of Defence

brought in a system called Pay
as You Dine, or pay as you die
as some soldiers call it. They
now pay cash at each meal for
what they actually consume.
Big eaters, like the infantry,
clearly pay more. It is a bad
deal; many soldiers run out of
money halfway through the
month. I objected to the new
system, but the civil servants
won the day. Far too much
military logistics is now con-
tracted out. One day lives will
be lost on operations as a re-
sult. Remember the Crimea?
brigadier (ret’d) jeff little
Osmington, Dorset

In 2018 I had the misfortune to
stay overnight at an army base.
The catering in the officers’
mess was so bad that I wrote to
the chief of the general staff, to
say that if this was the standard
for officers, what was it like for
soldiers? He replied that he was
extremely satisfied with
present standards and that the
managing-director of a London
hotel was available for advice
when required.
richard collins
Hinton St Mary, Dorset

With humbled breast
“I did nothing in particular,
and I did it very well,” William
Rehnquist said about his
oversight of Bill Clinton’s
impeachment trial (“Trying
times”, October 26th). The then
chief justice of the Supreme
Court quoted those lines from
“Iolanthe”, his favourite opera
by Gilbert and Sullivan. In fact,
the costume worn by the lord-
chancellor character in one
particular production of
“Iolanthe” inspired Rehnquist
to add gold stripes to the
sleeves of his justice’s robe, so
that he would stand out.
david white
Senior lecturer
Department of Classics
Baylor University
Waco, Texas
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