I-20 Index
bre44380_idx_I1-I24 20 09/30/15 01:56 PM
Tokyo Financial Futures Exchange (TFX), 682
Tokyo Gas, 816
Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), 77, 682
Tolling contracts, 649n
“Too big to fail” mentality, 344
Toronto Dominion Bank, 174, 182
Torous, W. N., 861n
Total capitalization, 502, 738
Total expected profit, 794
Total return payer, 691
Total return receiver, 691
Total return swaps, 691
Toyota, 222, 309, 413, 790
TPG Capital, 844
Trade acceptances, 791
Trade credit, 790, 870
Trade-off theory of capital structure, 467,
477– 479
pecking order of financing choices versus,
Trade sales, 854
Tranches, 623
Transaction costs, in leasing, 654–655
Transaction exposure, 719
Transfer of value, 419–421
Transparency, 882–883
Trans World Airlines, 655
Travlos, N., 827n
Treasury bills, 48–50, 802, 803
annual standard deviations and variances,
historic performance of capital markets,
162 –16 4, 199
Treasury bonds. See also Bond valuation
annual standard deviations and variances,
duration, 52–54
historic interest rates, 50–52
historic performance of capital markets,
162 –16 4
indexed, 62–63, 62n, 64
present value formulas and, 48–50
stripped, 56–57, 62
yield spread between corporate bonds and,
67, 599–602
yield to maturity trends, 49
Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities
(TIPS), 62–63, 62n, 64
Treasury notes, semiannual interest, 48–50
Treynor, Jack, 200
Triantis, A. J., 271, 579n, 580n, 878 n
Trigeorgis, L., 590n, 592
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 415
Trust deed, 621
Trusts, 363
T RW, 813
TSE (Tokyo Stock Exchange), 77, 682
Tufano, Peter, 454, 676, 676n
Tufts Center for the Study of Drug
Development, 267n
Tunneling, 362, 879–880
Tversky, A., 340n
Tversky, L. A., 251n
T WA , 6 55n, 859–860
21st Century Fox, 849
Tw it t e r, 396, 525
TXU, 5, 844
Tyc o, 12
Tax Reform Act of 1986, 142–144
Tax shields
depreciation, 142–144, 522–523, 654,
657 n, 659, 661–662
interest, 461–464
lease, 654
nature of, 461–464
Taylor, A. M., 726
Taylor, M. P., 726
Technological change
equivalent annual cash flow and, 149
exploiting new technology, 288–294
TED spread, 638
Tehranian, H., 397n
Telefonica Brasil, 77
Temporary abandonment, 581–582
10-K, 311, 733
10 -Q, 733
Tender offer, 413, 831–833
Ten n e c o, 855
Tepco, 852
Tepper, David, 370n
Term loans, 637
Terms of sale, 791
Term structure of interest rates, 54–60
in bond valuation, 54–60
defined, 54
expectations theory of, 58–59
explaining, 58–60
inflation in, 60
law of one price, 55–56, 600
measuring, 56–57
risk in, 59–60
Tesco, 305, 306
Tesla Motors, 3
Tetley Tea, 835
Tetlow, R. S., 855n
Tex a c o, 858
Texas Pacific Group, 844
Textura Corp., 396
Thaler, R. H., 207n, 340 n, 350, 713n, 850 n
Thermo Electron, 850–851
Thermo Fisher Scientific, 813
Third Law, Brealey, Myers, and Allen,
777, 890
Thomas Lee, 844
Thorburn, K. S., 838, 864
Thornburg, Karin, 470n
3Com, 850
3Doodler, 382
3G, 844
Three-factor model, 208–210
Throughput agreement, 649n
Tightwad Bank, 370
Time deposits, 803, 804
Time drafts, 791
Times-interest-earned ratio, 745–746
Time to maturity, option value and, 537–540
Time value of money, 107–108
Time Warner, 349, 739, 813, 815, 827. See also
Timing option, 146–147, 266, 577–580
Timken Co., 11
Timmerman, A., 335n, 888 n
TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities),
62–63, 62n, 64
Titman, S., 454, 827n
T-Mobile, 827, 848n
Surplus funds, in mergers, 817–818
Sussman, O., 470, 470n
Sustainable growth rate, 778
Swaminathan, B., 413n
Swaps, 687–691
credit default, 600–602, 690
cu r rency, 689 – 690
inflation, 691
interest rate, 687–689
other types, 691
total return, 691
Swatch Group, 6, 719, 719
Swiss Bank Corp., 695, 819
Swiss Re, 719
foreign bonds in, 629
transaction/economic exposure in, 719
voting rights in, 360
Symantec, 305
Syndicated loans, 637–639
Syndicates, underwriting, 394
Synergy, 815 –819
Systematic risk. See Market risk
Taggart, R. A., Jr., 515
Take-or-pay agreement, 649n
Takeover premium, 334
Takeovers, 11, 334, 831–835. See also Mergers
Tangible assets
in merger accounting, 829
nature of, 19
Target, 305, 712
Tata Group, 814, 835, 879
Tata Motors, 77, 174, 182
Tauron Polska Energia, 851
Taweel, Kevin, 880
Ta xes
on bond-warrant packages, 634
on capital gains versus cash dividends,
422– 426
on corporations
alternative minimum tax (AMT),
143, 655
capital structure and, 461–466
depreciation rules, 142–144
equivalent annual cash flow and, 150
financial leases, 661–662
impact of real options, 589–590
innovation in the bond market,
investment decisions and, 142–144
leveraged buyouts (LBOs) and, 846
in merger analysis, 829–830
tax inversion, 830
form of business organization and, 6
in Ger ma ny, 145 –146
imputation tax system, 425–426, 478n
on individuals, leverage and, 464–466
in net present value analysis, 135
on partnerships, 362
on REITs, 363
on stock options, 310
tax avoidance, 11–12
Tax-exempt municipal notes, 802–803, 803
Tax preferences, 143