Family + Pets cats and do s
Reduce stomach issues and avoid upturned noses from picky eaters
with these vetted-by-a-vet strategies for switching up mealtime
You’ll probably have to make a swap at some
point to suit your pet’s changing nutrient
needs. Puppies and kittens require different
formulations than adults do, and active dogs
and couch potatoes thrive with distinct ones
as well. Or, your vet might prescribe a special
diet due to a health issue. Gastrointestinal
upset is common during the time it takes for
the bacteria in the GI tract to adjust — but it
can be minimized. Here’s how:
The pet-food aisle can be overwhelming even
for experts. If you ask your vet for guidance,
you might not need to make as many changes
in the future. He or she can help identify
choices that adhere to your food philosophies
(you want to take the whole family — including
Fido — organic) and fit your budget (you really
need to cut back) while meeting your pet’s
nutritional needs.
Introducing a new formula gradually over a
week or so lets your pet’s belly get used to it,
and that way a finicky eater will adjust better
to the taste. First, feed your pet 25% new food
with 75% of the old food for two to three
days. Then go with half new and half old
food for another two to three days. Finally,
feed her 25% of her old food with 75%
of the new for two to three days before
switching to a whole bowl of the new formula.
If your dog or cat has diarrhea or constipation
or even vomits, don’t panic. As long as she is
drinking water, watch her carefully for a
couple of days to see if she improves. If
she isn’t drinking or her symptoms don’t
decrease within three days, head to the vet.
Felines in particular can be finicky about new
food. Switching over to a new kind slowly can
help mitigate that. Because cats can develop
a life-threatening liver disease called hepatic
lipidosis if they don’t get any calories for a few
days, take your kitty to the vet immediately if
she stops eating completely at any point.
—Lizz Schumer
Sources: Mikel Maria Delgado, Ph.D., cat behavior expert;
Ernie Ward, D.V.M., Association for Pet
Obesity Prevention founder and veterinarian
118 GH APRIL 2020
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