Round 3 (1dc, inc) 6 times [18 sts]
Round 4 (2dc, inc) 6 times [24 sts]
Round 5 (3dc, inc) 6 times [30 sts]
Round 6 (4dc, inc) 6 times [36 sts]
Round 7 (5dc, inc) 6 times [42 sts]
Round 8 (6dc, inc) 6 times [48 sts]
Round 9 (7dc, inc) 6 times [54 sts]
Round 10 (8dc, inc) 6 times [60 sts]
Rounds 11-15 1dc in each st
around [60 sts]
Round 16 28dc, 4htr, 28dc [60 sts]
Round 17 26dc, invdec 4 times,
26dc [56 sts]
Round 18 26dc, invdec 2 times,
24dc, invdec [53 sts]
Round 19 invdec, 22dc, invdec 3
times, 21dc, invdec [48 sts]
Round 20 invdec, 18dc, invdec 4
times, 18dc, invdec [42 sts]
Form the neck:
Round 21 invdec, 7dc, ch2, miss 26
sts, 1dc into the next (27th) st
Replace the stitch marker and
continue crocheting the neck
Round 1 1dc in each of next 14 sts,
1dc into BLO of each of the 2ch,
1dc into the last st [17 sts]
Round 2 4dc, invdec 2 times, 9dc
[15 st s]
Round 3 4dc, invdec, 7dc, inc, 1dc
[15 st s]
Round 4 1dc in each st around
[15 st s]
Round 5 4dc, invdec, 6dc, inc, 2dc
[15 st s]
Round 6 4dc, invdec, 9dc [14sts]
Round 7 4dc, invdec, 5dc, inc, 2dc
[14 st s]
Round 8 3dc, invdec, 9dc [13 sts]
Round 9 3dc, invdec, 5dc, inc, 2dc
[13 st s]
Round 10 3dc, invdec, 3dc, 5htr
[12 sts]
1dc into next st, fasten of f and
leave a long tail for sewing
Finishing the body
Count back 6 sts on the body from
the neck, join with a ss in this st and
work 1dc into the same st, 5dc (you
have now reached the neck with
the front loops of ch2), invdec the
2 front loops, working continuously
on the other side of the body,
10dc, invdec 2 times, 5dc [25 sts]
Fasten off and leave a long tail.
Stuff the body and sew the sides
together by inserting the needle
into the front loops only on both
sides, weave yarn tail into the body
Using Yarn A and 5mm crochet
Round 1 6dc in magic ring, pull
ring tight [6 sts]
Round 2 inc in each st around
[12 st s]
Round 3 (1dc, inc) 6 times [18 sts]
Round 4 (2dc, inc) 6 times [24 sts]
Round 5 (3dc, inc) 6 times [30 sts]
Round 6 (4dc, inc) 6 times [36 sts]
Rounds 7-11 1dc in each st around
[36 sts]
Round 12 (4dc, invdec) 6 times
[30 sts]
Round 13 (3dc, invdec) 6 times
[24 sts]
Round 14 (2dc, invdec) 6 times
[18 st s]
Round 15 (1dc, invdec) 6 times
[12 st s]
Round 16 invdec each st around
[6 sts]
Stuff the head firmly, fasten off and
leave a long tail for sewing. Close
the hole by sewing back and forth
across the opening, weaving the
yarn tail into the head
Using Yarn C and 3.5mm crochet
Round 1 6dc in magic ring, pull
ring tight [6 sts]
Round 2 (1dc, inc) 3 times [9 sts]
Round 3 1dc in each st around
[9 sts]
Round 4 (2dc, inc) 3 times [12 sts]
Fasten off and leave a long tail for