
(singke) #1

to 1st st to join
Round 5 ch2, 5tr, (ch1, miss 1 st or
ch-sp, 1tr) twice, 2tr, (ch1, miss 1 st
or ch-sp, 1tr) twice, 4tr, ch1, miss 1
st; rep from
another 7 (8, 9, 10, 12,
13) times, s s to 1s t s t to join
Rep Rounds 2-5 twice more, then
rep Rounds 2-4 once more
The length can be adjusted here
but you must finish after a Round 4
Round 17 ch2, *5tr, (ch1, miss 1 st
or ch-sp, 1tr) twice, 2tr, (ch1, miss 1
st or ch-sp, 1tr) twice, 5tr; rep from

  • another 7 (8, 9, 10, 12, 13) times,
    ss to 1st st to join
    Round 18 ch2, 7tr, (ch1, miss 1 st
    or ch-sp, 1tr) 3 times, 7tr; rep from

    another 7 (8, 9, 10, 12, 13) times, ss
    to 1st st to join
    Round 19 ch2, 9tr, ch1, miss 1
    ch-sp, 10tr; rep from
    another 7 (8,
    9, 10, 12, 13) t i m e s, s s t o 1s t s t t o
    Round 20 ch2, 1tr in every st and
    ch-sp around, ss to 1st st to join

Front panel
Row 1 (RS) ch2, 80 (90, 100, 110,
130, 140)tr, turn [80 (90, 100, 110,
130, 140) s t s]
Rep the last row 4 (5, 6, 7, 8, 8)
more times

First side of neck
Row 1 ch2, 37 (42, 47, 52, 62, 67)tr,
tr2tog, turn [38 (43, 48, 53, 63, 68)

Row 2 ch2, miss 1st st, tr2tog, 1tr in
each st to the end of the row, turn
[36 (41, 46, 51, 61, 66) sts]
Row 3 ch2, 1tr in each st to last 2
sts, tr2tog, turn [35 (40, 45, 50, 60,
65) sts]
Rep Rows 2 and 3 5 more times
[20 (25, 30, 35, 45, 50) sts]
Row 14 ch2, miss 1st st, 1tr in each
st to the end of the row, turn
[19 (24, 29, 34, 44, 49) st s]
Row 15 ch2, 1tr in each st to the
end of the row, break yarn and
fasten off [19 (24, 29, 34, 44, 49) sts]

Second side of neck
Count 2 sts over from the V
shaping of the neck and attach
yarn to the next st
Row 1 ch2, miss the st where you
attached the yarn, tr2tog, 1tr in
each st to the end of the row, turn
[37 (42, 47, 52, 62, 67) sts]
Row 2 ch2, 1tr in each st to last 2
sts, tr2tog, turn [36 (41, 46, 51, 61,
66) sts]
Row 3 ch2, miss 1st st, tr2tog, 1tr in
each st to the end of the row, turn
[34 (39, 44, 49, 59, 64) sts]
Rep Rows 2 and 3 4 more times
[22 (27, 32, 37, 47, 52) sts]
Row 12 ch2, 1tr in each st to last 2
sts, tr2tog, turn [21 (26, 31, 36, 46,
51) s t s]
Row 13 ch2, miss 1st st, 1tr in each
st to end of the row, turn [20 (25,
30, 35, 45, 50) sts]

Row 14 rep Row 12 [19 (24, 29, 34,
44, 49) sts]
Row 15 ch2, 1tr in each st to the
end of the row, break yarn and
fasten off [19 (24, 29, 34, 44, 49) sts]

Back panel
With RS facing, rejoin yarn to first st
on the back at the armhole edge

First side of back
Row 1 ch2, 37 (42, 47, 52, 62, 67)tr,
tr2tog, turn [38 (43, 48, 53, 63, 68)
Row 2 ch2, miss 1st st, tr2tog, 1tr in
each st to the end of the row, turn
[36 (41, 46, 51, 61, 66) sts]
Row 3 ch2, 1tr in each st to last 2
sts, tr2tog, turn [35 (40, 45, 50, 60,
65) sts]
Rep Rows 2 and 3 5 more times
[20 (25, 30, 35, 45, 50) sts]
Row 14 ch2, miss 1st st, 1tr in each
st to the end of the row, turn
[19 (24, 29, 34, 44, 49) st s]
Row 15 ch2, 1tr in each st to the
end of the row, turn [19 (24, 29, 34,
44, 49) sts]
Rep Row 15 5 (6, 7, 8, 9, 9) more
times until you have a total of 20
(21, 22, 23, 24, 24) rows on the
Right side of back
Fasten off and leave a long tail to
join the shoulder seam

Second side of back
Count 2 sts over from the V
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