Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
Cultural Values Assessment

Each of us has values about what is important and appropriate in interacting with
others. Often these values reflect the larger culture in which we have been raised, but our
opinions may also vary widely as individuals. This scale should give you a sense of how
closely your own values relate to the larger cultural differences discussed in this chapter.
For each of the statements that follow, write the number that most closely matches your
opinion: 5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = unsure; 2 = disagree; and 1 = strongly disagree.

  1. People should say what they think clearly and directly.

  2. My own goals in life are not as important as my family’s or community’s hopes
    for me.

  3. Change results in uncomfortable stress in life.

  4. It is important to work hard to get ahead professionally, even if relationships
    might suffer.

  5. Children shouldn’t be expected to provide for the old-age security of their parents.

  6. It is important to plan carefully for the future.

  7. People should keep their emotions to themselves.

  8. If you disagree with someone, you should speak up.

  9. People should take care of family before themselves.

  10. Risk-taking is foolish; it is better to follow the regular path.

  11. People should try to be the “best” at whatever they do.

  12. Students should feel free in class to disagree with their teachers.

  13. It is important to be on time to appointments.

  14. People should grieve quietly rather than make a big scene.

  15. You shouldn’t have to guess what someone means.

  16. If someone in my group or family fails, we all feel the shame.

  17. I hate situations in which I do not know how I am supposed to act.

  18. Men and women are just different; there is nothing wrong with that.

  19. It is fine to question the views of people in authority.

  20. You should make a schedule and keep to it.

  21. Colorful language and exaggeration are signs of personal weakness.

Add your scores here to assess which way you lean in your cultural values:
#1, 8, 15: ____ low-context (9–15); high-context (3–8)
#2, 9, 16: ____ collectivist (9–15); individualist (3–8)
#3, 10, 17: ____ high uncertainty avoidance (9–15); low uncertainty avoidance (3–8)
#4, 11, 18: ____ masculinity (9–15); femininity (3–8)
#5, 12, 19: ____ low power distance (9–15); high power distance (3–8)
#6, 13, 20: ____ high time orientation (9–15); low time orientation (3–8)
#7, 14, 21: ____ devalue emotional expression (9–15); value emotional expression (3–8)

what about you?

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