Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
198 Part 2  Interpersonal Communication

more closedness at other times. Partners who are willing to try to fulfill each
other’s needs for information while still maintaining their own privacy are more
likely to manage this dialectical tension with satisfaction (Baxter, 1990).

Predictability Versus Novelty
Which is more important to relationships, safety and security or excitement
and spontaneity? The third dialectical tension is where proponents of relational
dialectics theory disagree with the concept of uncertainty reduction that we
discussed earlier. Rather than accepting that uncertainty is inherently uncom-
fortable, dialectics researchers argue that people have a simultaneous need for
stability through predictable relational interaction as well as a need for new and
unexpected experiences in personal relationships. On the one hand, partners
seek stable patterns of interaction: Colin and Casey, for example, enjoy the com-
fort of their evening routine of dinner and television, and their understanding
of each others’ typical reactions and emotions helps them to know how to sup-
port one another and avoid unnecessary upsets. At the same time, being able to
almost finish each other’s sentences can be too predictable, so some novelty in
their interactions is also welcome. This is why Colin might surprise Casey with
an unexpected love-note in the lunch she takes to work, or why Casey might
spontaneously cook a Thai meal or suggest a vacation to somewhere they’d never
thought to go before.

Self-Disclosure and Interpersonal Relationships

Do you remember Angelica from Chapter 2 (p. 57)? You may recall her heavy
debt due to her lifestyle (expensive vacations, a new car, a nice apartment, and
so on). When she divulges her personal financial mishaps to a friend, she is
self-disclosing, revealing very personal information. As you’ve likely experi-
enced in your own life, self-disclosure has a powerful impact on the develop-
ment of interpersonal relationships (Samter, 2003). The process of choosing

FOR SOME, the surprise
of breakfast in bed might
be enough to shake up the
normal routine. For others, it
might take zip-lining through
a rainforest or backpacking
across Asia. Cultura/Matt Hoover
Photo/Getty Images

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