Desire to Learn 143
Overcome Intergroup Biases 143
Accommodate Appropriately 145
Evaluating Communication Ethics: That’s Not a Soy Substitute 145
Practice Your Skills 146
REAL REFERENCE: A Study Tool 149
For videos and LearningCurve quizzing within LaunchPad, go to bedfordstmartins.com/realcomm
chapter 6 Listening 151
How We Listen 152
The Listening Process 152
Communication Across Cultures: A Quick Lesson in Deaf Etiquette 154
Personal Listening Preferences 155
What About You? Assess Your Listening Style 156
The Value of Listening Well 157
Effective Listening Helps Your Career 158
Effective Listening Saves Time and Money 158
Effective Listening Creates Opportunities 159
Effective Listening Strengthens Relationships 159
Effective Listening Accomplishes Your Goals 159
Listening Challenges 162
Environmental Factors 163
Hearing and Processing Challenges 163
Multitasking 164
Boredom and Overexcitement 164
Wired for Communication: Don’t Touch That Smartphone 165
Attitudes About Listening 166
Real Communicator: Tammy Lin 167
The Ethics of Listening 168
Defensive Listening 168
Selective Listening 168
Self-Absorbed Listening 170
Pseudolistening 170
Listening in Context 170
Evaluating Communication Ethics: Listening When You’re Sick of Hearing 171
The Relational and Situational Listening Contexts 171
The Cultural Listening Context 172
The Technology Listening Context 174
REAL REFERENCE: A Study Tool 177
For videos and LearningCurve quizzing within LaunchPad, go to bedfordstmartins.com/realcomm
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