Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1

Public Speaking 333

chapter 12 Preparing and Researching Presentations 335
The Power of Public Speaking 336
Clarifying the General Purpose of Your Speech 337
Informative Speeches 337
Persuasive Speeches 339
Special-Occasion Speeches 340
Analyzing Your Audience 341
Considering Audience Expectations and Situational Factors 342
Considering Audience Demographics and Psychographics 342
Anticipating Your Audience’s Response 344
What About You? Assessing Your Audience Analysis 345
Real Communicator: Matt Schermerhorn 347
Choosing Your Topic 347
Finding a Topic That Intrigues You 348
Brainstorming and Clustering 348
Narrowing Your Topic 349
Determining the Specific Purpose of Your Speech 350
Developing a Thesis Statement 350
Researching the Topic 351
Types of Information to Consider 352
Communication Across Cultures: No Longer a Victim 353
Researching Supporting Material 354
Wired for Communication: The Library in the Sky 356
Evaluating Supporting Material 357
Ethical Speaking: Taking Responsibility for Your Speech 359
Recognizing Plagiarism 359
Taking Accurate Notes 359
Evaluating Communication Ethics: Didn’t I Already Say That? 360
Speaking Ethically and Responsibly 362
REAL REFERENCE: A Study Tool 365

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