Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1

Objects and Phenomena 438
Events 438
Evaluating Communication Ethics: Ulterior Motives 439
Processes 440
Concepts 440
Issues 440
Plans and Policies 441
Approaches to Conveying Information 442
Description 442
Demonstration 442
Wired for Communication: Talk Amongst Yourselves 443
Definition 444
Explanation 445
Communication Across Cultures: Let’s Talk About Sex 446
Guidelines for Informative Speeches 447
Create Information Hunger 447
Work Your Topic 448
Make It Easy 449
Real Communicator: K. C. Ellis 452
REAL REFERENCE: A Study Tool 463

For videos and LearningCurve quizzing within LaunchPad, go to

chapter 16 Persuasive Speaking 465
The Goals of Persuasive Speaking 466
Developing a Persuasive Topic and Thesis 467
Propositions of Fact 467
What About You? Persuasion Resistance Scale 468
Propositions of Value 469
Propositions of Policy 469
Persuading Your Audience 470
Understanding Your Audience’s Disposition 470
Understanding Your Audience’s Needs 473
Understanding What Is Relevant to Your Audience 474
Wired for Communication: Interactive Advertising: Persuasion for a
Millennial Audience 475
Strategies for Persuasive Speaking 476
Evaluating Communication Ethics: Emotional
Punch or Sucker Punch? 477
Ethos 477


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