Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 12  Preparing and Researching Presentations 361

IF YOU PREFER to do online
research, Evernote can help
you to keep record of your
sources and annotate them
with notes for your speech.

research, you’ll be able to shuffle or copy and paste these individual cards or
entries as you develop your speech without losing track of their sources.
You’ll also need to keep a running bibliography—a list of resources you’ve
consulted. There are various styles of organizing these resources (including styles
dictated by the Modern Language Association, American Psychological Associa-
tion, and so on), so make sure to ask your instructor what his or her preference
is if you’re required to hand in this document. Regardless, all styles generally
require you to list the following information:

c The complete name of each author or origin of the source if no author is named
(“National Science Foundation Web site,” or “New York Times editorial”)

c The title and subtitle of the source (article, book chapter, Web page) and of the
larger work in which it appears (magazine, newspaper, journal, book, Web site)

c The publication date of the source; for Web sources, date of publication and
date of access; for journals, volume and issue numbers

c For books, publisher and city of publication; for Web resources, the com-
plete URL

c Page numbers for the material used and for the entire work being cited

We present an example of a running bibliography in APA style in Figure 12.4.

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