Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 13  Organizing, Writing, and Outlining Presentations 391

  1. New parents adjusting to baby schedule

  2. Shift work disrupting sleep

B. Use of TV or computer late at night

C. Use of caffeine and alcohol

D. Medical conditions—insomnia and sleep apnea

The phrase outline is often preferred because it offers speakers a clear road map
of their presentation with reminders of key points and phrases while also allow-
ing speakers to deliver a speech rather than simply read it.

Key-Word Outline

A key-word outline is the briefest possible outline, consisting of specific “key
words” from the sentence outline to jog the speaker’s memory. This type of
outline allows the speaker to maintain maximum eye contact with the audience,
though the speaker must be extremely familiar with the content of the speech. An
example of a key-word outline is as follows:

II. SD causes (CDC)

A. Family and work

  1. College students

  2. New parents

  3. Shift workers

B. Television and Internet

C. Caffeine and alcohol

D. Medical conditions—insomnia, apnea

From Preparation Outline to

Speaking Outline

In most public speaking situations, you will use the basics
you’ve learned to create two outlines. The first is a preparation
outline (sometimes called a working outline), a draft that you
will use, and probably revisit and revise continually, through-
out the preparation for your speech. The function of a prepa-
ration outline is to firm up your thesis statement, establish
and organize your main points, and develop your supporting
points. It should also help you “map out” the relationships
between your main points and supporting points. From the
preparation outline, you will eventually develop a speaking
outline, or delivery outline, which is your final speech plan,
complete with details, delivery tips, and important notes about
presentational aids (which we will discuss in Chapter 14).

SPEECH, you’ll transition
from a more detailed prepara-
tion outline to a speaking out-
line that will equip you for the
actual presentation. DWaschnig/
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