Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
Chapter 14  Delivering Presentations 407

you feel before starting to speak can also be a source of energy to make your
points with enthusiasm—use it!
c Desensitize yourself. Sometimes the best way to get over something is to
“just do it.” You address your fear of public speaking by making attempts to
get up in front of a crowd in less threatening situations, like asking a ques-
tion in class or at a community meeting. You might even try singing kara-
oke with friends—nobody expects you to be any good at it, anyway, and it
might be fun!

c Visualize your success. Research shows that people with high speech anxiety

tend to concentrate on negative thoughts before giving their speeches (Ayres
& Hopf, 1993). In order to reduce those thoughts (and their accompany-
ing anxiety), it’s important to spend time imagining positive scenarios and
personal success, a technique known as performance visualization (Ayres,
2005; Ayres & Hopf, 1993). Performance visualization allows you to define
situations and reduce uncertainty (Honeycutt, Choi, & DeBerry, 2009), so
go ahead and imagine yourself standing before your audience with confi-
dence and grace—and it just may happen.
c Take care of yourself. In order to be productive, remember to take care of
yourself in the days leading up to your speech: get enough rest, budget your
time effectively to make room for your speech practice sessions, try to eat
a light meal before the presentation, and try relaxation techniques (such as
deep breathing, yoga, a calming walk, listening to one of your favorite songs,
and laughing with friends).
c Be prepared! As we’ve mentioned—and as we’ll discuss throughout this
chapter—adequately preparing for your speech will increase the likelihood
of success and lessen your apprehension (Smith & Frymier, 2006). Research
demonstrates that confidence does come through preparation and skill
building, which means that conducting thorough research, organizing your
points, and preparing a useful outline will help you achieve a positive out-
come (Schroeder, 2002).
c Rehearse your delivery. Ask a few friends or family members to observe your
speech. (This is particularly useful if you are giving an in-person speech
and have a strong preference for mediated communication, like
texting or Facebook messaging. Sometimes just practicing
in front of people will take the edge off your nervousness.)
Also, try recording a few practice sessions first. Ask the same
friends to critique your delivery and improve with their feed-
back in mind.
c Challenge yourself. We ultimately learn and grow as
individuals by pushing ourselves to accomplish
things that we have not tried or felt confi-
dent with before. Instead of viewing your
speech event as something to dread,
reframe your thoughts and view it as
an opportunity to gain new a valu-
able new skill!

Have you ever had an
embarrassing public speak-
ing moment? What did
you do? Did it affect your
confidence level or your
perception of your own
competence? Now compare
this to how you reacted to
someone else’s embarrass-
ing speaking moment. Did
you think less of a fellow
student who flubbed a few
words or dropped his or her
note cards?



Chapter 2 discusses self-
efficacy, or your ability to
predict your likelihood of
success in a given situa-
tion. If you believe that you
cannot succeed at giving
a speech, asking someone
for a date, or interview-
ing for a job, you’re more
likely to avoid such com-
munication. In any of these
examples, performance
visualization can help you
manage your thoughts
so that you can achieve
your goals.

help you learn to relax your
muscles and focus your
attention. © Blend Images/Alamy
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