Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
410 Part 4  Public Speaking

Usually you’ll want to choose a simple format easily applied to the topic, such as
noting advantages and disadvantages or cause and effect.
Another way to prepare for spontaneous public speaking is listening to
others. Determine if you have some personal application of a point or an example
that a speaker has made that either substantiates or refutes another speaker. Most
audiences enjoy hearing speakers tell a brief story that illustrates a point that
another speaker made or a theme that an event uses.

Speaking Extemporaneously
Have you witnessed those calm, collected speakers who seem to be making it up
as they go along in a surprisingly organized manner? They are likely practicing
extemporaneous speaking.
When you speak extemporaneously, you plan the content, organization,
and delivery well in advance, but instead of writing the entire speech out word
for word, you speak from an outline of key words and phrases or speaking aids,
such as PowerPoint or Prezi virtual canvas. Extemporaneous speaking involves
delivering your speech in an impromptu style, even though the speech is neither
spontaneous nor unrehearsed. Most speakers favor extemporaneous delivery
because they can fully prepare and rehearse their presentations while economizing
on time because they need not determine in advance the exact words that they
want to use.
One downside to extemporaneous speaking is that it’s difficult to use precise
timing or wording, and speakers can easily get off track, become wordy or repeti-
tive, or exceed their allotted time.
So what’s the secret to succeeding at extemporaneous speaking? You can
achieve success and confidence through practice and preparation. Consider the
following points:

must think on their feet as
much as debaters. These
political candidates must not
only present and defend their
sides of key issues but must
also anticipate and address
what their opponents might
say. AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty

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