Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
Appendix A   Competent Interviewing^501

Think back to the Comedy Central interviews. They are not only dyadic
and transactional but also highly planned. Questions are written ahead of time,
based on the interviewee’s views and background, and the interviews are struc-
tured in a way that helps the company achieve a goal: usually a hilarious spoof
on key topics. One key difference is that the interviewee responses are often dis-
torted or cut off—something you wouldn’t expect in your own interviews.

Types of Interviews

What type of scene plays out in your mind when you think of the word inter-
view? Maybe you start sweating thinking about an upcoming job interview for a
position that you really want or maybe you remember interviews for college. But
interviewing encompasses much more than just getting a job or getting into the
right school. In this section, we look at the different types of interviews that play
a role in most of our lives (Stewart & Cash, 2011).

Information-Gathering Interviews
If you watch any crime shows like CSI or The Mentalist, you’ve heard people
peppered with questions about where they’ve been, who they’ve seen, or what
they know. The interviewers are trying to obtain information from witnesses and
suspects ( Jundi, Vrij, Hope, Mann, & Hillman, 2013) by collecting attitudes,
opinions, facts, data, and experiences through an information-gathering
interview. We take part in, or are exposed to, the results of such interviews every
day; perhaps you’ve compiled a survey about experiences with campus parking,
or maybe you’ve interviewed your communication professor about career pos-
sibilities. In all these instances, the interview serves to transfer knowledge from
one party to the other.

Have you ever imagined
interviewing a particular
celebrity, political leader, or
historical figure? If you were
given such an opportunity,
what would your goals be
for the interview? What
kinds of questions would
you ask?


whether a question-and-
answer session with E! on the
red carpet or a serious job
interview, are goal-driven, as
well as dyadic and interactive
in nature. (left) Roth Stock/Everett
Collection; (middle top) © The CW/Courtesy
Everett Collection; (middle bottom)
ERproductions Ltd./Getty Images; (right)

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