Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
510 Appendix A   Competent Interviewing

c “What other classical compositions are you comfortable play-
ing?” (specific)
c “How did you feel about taking piano lessons as a child?”

In the tunnel sequence, all of the questions are at one level.
The tunnel sequence works particularly well in polls and sur-
veys. A large tunnel would involve a series of broad, open-ended
questions. A small tunnel (the more common form) would ask a
series of narrow, closed questions, as in the following example:

c “Have you attended any multicultural events on campus?”
c “Have you attended any sporting events?” (specific)

c “Have you attended any guest lectures?” (specific)

The Conclusion
Once the purpose of the interview has been achieved, the interaction should
come to a comfortable and satisfying close. This phase of the interview is es-
pecially important because it often determines the impression the interviewee
retains of the interview as a whole.
There are important norms involved when individuals take leave of each
other (Knapp, Hart, Friedrich, & Shulman, 1973), so in closing the interview,
the interviewer needs to employ both verbal and nonverbal strategies to serve
three important functions (Von Raffler-Engel, 1983):

c To conclude, or signal the end of the interview

c To summarize, or review the substantive conclusions produced by the
c To support, or express satisfaction with the interaction and project what will
happen next

Table A.4 illustrates closing strategies to help you conclude, summarize, and
support. As these sample statements indicate, bringing the interview to a close
is largely the responsibility of the interviewer. In the next section, we’ll look at
how this and other responsibilities fall to the interviewer and interviewee.

Understanding Roles and
Responsibilities in Interviews

Jan, a thirty-year-old high school biology teacher, is seeking a new career. She can
approach this job hunt in two ways. First, she could simply answer advertisements
for open positions and hope to be called in for an interview. Alternatively, she

General questions

Questions all at
the same level of
specificity or generality

General questions


Inverted Funnel


Specific questions

Specific questions



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