Real Communication An Introduction

(Tuis.) #1
Are You Dependent on the Internet?

To see how the Internet helps you meet your goals, rate each statement using this scale:
1 = not at all helpful; 2 = mildly unhelpful; 3 = neither helpful nor unhelpful; 4 = mildly
helpful; and 5 = very helpful.

1.  The Internet helps me gain insight into why I do some of the things I do.
2.  The Internet helps me imagine what I’ll be like when I grow older.
3.  The Internet helps me observe how others cope with problems like mine.
4.  The Internet helps me stay on top of what is happening in my community.
5. The Internet helps me find out how my country is doing.
6. The Internet helps me keep up with world events.
7. I decide where to go for services by searching the Internet.
8. I figure out what to buy after consulting the Internet.
9. The Internet helps me plan where to go for evening and weekend activities.
10. I discover better ways to communicate with others by using the Internet.
11. The Internet helps me think about how to act with friends, relatives, or coworkers.
12. The Internet gives me ideas about how to approach others in important or diffi-
cult situations.
13. The Internet helps me unwind after a hard day or week.
14. I use the Internet to relax (reading blogs, watching TV shows) when I am by myself.
15. The Internet gives me something to do when nobody else is around.
16. The Internet gives me something to do with my friends.
17. Using the Internet is a great way to have fun with family or friends.
18. The Internet allows me to be a part of events I enjoy without having to be there.

Add your item scores to measure dependency: low (3–6); medium (7–11); high (12–15)
#1–3 _____ Your self-understanding score: If high, you find the Internet very useful
for personal insight and for planning your behavior.
#4–6 _____ Your social understanding score: High scores indicate a reliance on the
Internet to keep abreast of local, national, and international events.
#7–9 _____ Your action orientation score: High scores indicate depend ency on
the Internet for purchases and activities.
#10–12 _____ Your interaction orientation score: If high, you rely on the Internet to
help you figure out how to communicate better with others.
#13–15 _____ Your solitary play score: If high, you use the Internet regularly to
meet personal, solitary needs.
#16–18 _____ Your social play score: If high, the Internet plays a big role in your
social interactions with others.

what about you?


Source: Adapted from Patwardhan and Yang (2003).

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