Elle USA April2020

(Axel Boer) #1

PERSPECTIVES|Fashioning Change

WREFERENDUMin real time—yes, this is the notorious m a r t h e, ing together in a public place. And for all of you, this may be the gravest decision you will ever make as AICitizen voters.seeing a magnified image of the primate m a r t h e the “last living member of her species,” aged 171.ELCOMFor most of you, this is your first time gather-On screens throughout the Great Hall, you are E TO OUR EARTH DAY 2169! collides with rapidly accelerating conjures a harrowing vision of the future. original work of exclusively for WMhat happens when^ A^ R^ T^ H Ephysician-induced coma. Initially, m a r t h e ’s most recent liver transplant a “weak, moribund, predator species” whose artificially engineered survival specimen, though in some quarters she has become loathed as the symbol of at a classified location, where she has been since Mbut don’t be deceived that m a r t h e is aware of you. has strained the State’s financial resources.was rejected by her body, but since then it has been discovered that m a r t h e ’s : ELLEdystopian fictionAFor a mammal of her age, m a r t h e is considered a “highly attractive” Yes, m a r t h e ’s eyes are intensely “blue”—and yes, the eyes are “open”—For you are observing m a r t h e in her hospital bed in intensive care^ REFEREND, Joyce Carol Oatesclimate change created AIUM? In an^ arch 2168 in a state of

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