Alex Tapley
may 2019 | subscribe To cAr for jusT £2.60 A MoNTH! http://www.greATM
‘A Leaf and Golf
GTI combined...’
At least, that was the thinking when CAR subscriber Simon Hull
swerved the golf gTi he always wanted for a gTe. And?
I’ve wanted a vw
Golf Gt I f or years
i just couldn’t quite make the
sums work. Then my brother, who
like me is a car enthusiast (my
first car was a ford fi esta Xr2,
at 18), bought a Nissan Leaf and
became an electric-car evangelist.
i wanted to combine the two, did
a bit of research, test drove the
gTe and bought it. i got lucky – a
month after i ordered mine Vw
stopped taking orders, citing high
demand and long delivery lead
times. Mine’s in a basic spec and
leased – i lost so much money on
my last car, an Astra, i wanted to
try leasing.
a class of one
i was coming at it from the enthusi-
ast angle, so i didn’t consider cars
like the Leaf. The gTe was pretty
unique in that respect. The other
option was an Audi A3 e-tron, but
that was a little more money and
didn’t promise to be as much fun
to drive.
f uel sI pper
My big worry was whether i’d
get anything like the claimed
fuel economy: Vw claims more
than 150mpg. i’m not getting that
but i’m getting a lot more than
CAR did in its long-term test gTe
[38.5mpg]! si nce i last fuelled up
two weeks ago i’ ve covered 567
miles and averaged 91.4mpg. i live
15 miles from the office, and i can
get to work and mostly back on an
electric charge. i charge it every
night, as you would your phone.
i have off-street parking and a
normal three-pin plug outside. it
takes four hours to fully charge
and you get 28 miles on that. over
christmas i went three weeks
without using any petrol at all, and
the infrastructure isn’t bad locally
- in town there’s free parking with
free charging, and from there it’s
an easy walk to the football.
t he compromI s e s
My wife has a 2017 Audi A3 –
same platform – and when you
jump from one car to another you
can tell the Audi’s a lot lighter. The
gTe, with its batteries, is a heavy
car [1585kg versus 1386kg for a
five-door gTi]. The boot’s also
compromised by the batteries
[272 litres versus 380 for the
standard golf] – we took my wife’s
Audi to b&Q at the weekend
because of its bigger boot – but
overall i’m more than happy with
the trade-off.
s o far, so delIGhted
i really like it – specifically the
combination of refinement, driving
fun and economy. The golf gTe
really is all things to all men. i can
drive it like a hot hatch, enjoying
the chassis and using the Dsg
paddles in full-power gTe mode, i
can use it as an electric car around
town and on my commute, and
on longer drives you just set the
adaptive cruise control and enjoy
how quiet and comfortable it is.
e lectrI c Id next?
i’m tempted to go full eV next.
i’m so impressed with electric
power and with Volkswagen that
i’m looking at the iD Neo hatch.
That’s coming out next year and
might work out for me – my lease
expires ju ne 2020. if i have to
wait, i might buy a Mk5 golf gTi
for a couple of grand, use that for
a few months and then sell it when
i get the iD.
much I’ve
really are reliable.
Everything on the
GTE just works, which
wasn’t always the
case with my Astra...
I wish I’d embraced
electric sooner. I
wasn’t ready for an
EV when I bought this
but my next car will
be pure electric.
I didn’t count on
driving it quite as
much as I am. My
lease is based on
12,000 miles a year,
which I’ll exceed.
Your cars
ye ar on
One year intO
a beautiful
rel atiO nship?
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of your car – emaIl
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