Los Angeles Times - 18.03.2020

(Frankie) #1


1 __ d’art
6 It’s sold in bars
10 Axlike tool
14 Move furtively
15 “In memoriam” bio
16 Cow conversation
17 Rite of Christian
19 Hip ’60s Brits
20 Rodeo ropes
21 Honeybunch
23 Montréal mate
25 Fights (for)
27 “Cold Mountain” hero
played by Jude Law
28 Bolster
31 Enhance, as
an expense report
33 Whiz
34 Sticking points
35 Carries out
37 ER personnel
38 Fabric ponytail holder
41 Chinese menu surname
43 Foldable beds
44 Pet store enclosures
48 Dismissive syllable
49 Hasty escape
50 Computer key
51 Bounded
53 Quite
56 Leaves in the
57 Irritate by rubbing
59 Supermarket walkways
62 Mall directories
63 1850s Eurasian conflict
67 “Ick!”
68 Spanish cat
69 Salty expanse
70 Director Kazan
71 With the circled word in
the grid’s center, what
each circled word is?
72 Celestial red giant

1 __Kosh B’gosh
2 Rain-__ bubble gum
3 Word whose meaning
wouldn’t change if it
began with “z”
4 One-named singer
5 Boxing decisions
6 “Me too”
7 Corpulent
8 Ultrathin MacBook

9 War affliction, for short
10 Jordan’s capital
11 Entry-level job?
12 Astrology diagrams
13 Ancient ascetic
18 Invite letters
22 __ al-Fitr: end-of-
Ramadan feast
23 Fitting
24 Hosp. scan
26 MS format details
29 Mexican money
30 L.A. school
32 Tray filler
35 Milano cathedral
36 Prov. bordering four
Great Lakes
37 Authentic
39 Early TV maker
40 Freezer cubes
41 Game for little hitters
42 Wrinkly dog
45 Jumps in the lake
46 Summer in la ville
47 Vast quantity
48 Served like cherries
49 British co. letters
50 A teaspoon, say

52 Ottoman title
54 French-speaking
Caribbean country
55 Colorful memory game
58 Heart tests, briefly
60 Golden Triangle
61 SASEs, e.g.
64 Missy Elliott
music genre
65 Battery for small
66 GI’s furlough




BLISS By Harry Bliss


Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.


ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson


By Paul Coulter © 2020 Tribune Content Agency

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly


Aries(March 21-April 19):
Now you’re thinking about
that thing you wanted and
didn’t get. In retrospect, you
didn’t want it that bad.
Taurus (April 20-May
20): You want a routine
you’ve consciously con-
structed, so you’ll get inten-
tional with the cause.
Gemini(May 21-June 21):
Try not to let schooling in-
terfere with learning. To
know only the steps involved
and not the theory behind a
thing is to be as educated as
a robot.
Cancer(June 22-July 22):
Use the momentum of high
emotional tides to buoy your
spirits and augment pro-
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):
The day brings a denoue-
ment before the curtains
close on a chapter. Conflicts
will be resolved.
Virgo(Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
Apologizing unnecessarily

will erode your self-confi-
dence. Better to stand in the
situation and face whatever
strange energy exists.
Libra(Sept. 23-Oct. 23):
Here they come — people
who not only appreciate
your good qualities but will
promote and showcase
them as well. It’s because
you’re ready.
Scorpio(Oct. 24-Nov. 21):
It won’t drain your willpower
to save some for later be-
cause you’re so focused on
the joy of playing the long
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-
Dec. 21): Just because a voice
happens to be coming from
inside you instead of from
the outside world doesn’t
make that voice true.
Capricorn(Dec. 22-Jan.
19): In all relationships,
you’ll try to hold on to the
moment without holding
anyone from their freedom.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): If you happen to arrive at
that moment when the
other person is looking away,

keep practicing until you can
do this trick consistently
and on command.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March
20): Habits of mind are just
like other habits. You may as
well be adding the ones you’d
prefer instead of falling into
whatever comes along.
Today’s birthday
(March 18): Nature is the
story of this world, and you
are nature, too. Your experi-
ences in the biosphere will
teach you profound lessons
of being and will open path-
ways of spiritual levity. You’ll
be responsible for the prog-
ress of a group because of
the care you give this en-
deavor. It all develops beau-
tifully. Love and travel fill
your summer. Aries and Li-
bra adore you. Your lucky
numbers are: 3, 2, 14, 41 and

Holiday Mathis writes her
column for Creators
Syndicate Inc. The
horoscope should be read
for entertainment.


By Holiday Mathis

“Secondhand Rose”
showed up at my club today.
When the lesson about “sec-
ond hand low” on defense
was taught, Rose must have
been out on a date with Jiggs
the plumber.
Rose was today’s East,
and West led the jack of
hearts against four spades.
Declarer took the king and
led dummy’s deuce of dia-
monds, and Secondhand
Rose ... with the king!
Rose then cashed her
high trumps and led another
heart. South won and ruffed
his last heart in dummy, but
with Rose holding the
guarded queen of clubs and
West with the ace of dia-
monds, declarer had to lose
another trick. Down one.
South makes game if

Rose plays “second hand
low” on the first diamond.
South’s jack loses to the ace,
but later South can lead the
queen of diamonds for a ruff-
ing finesse against the king,
setting up a discard for his
club loser.
Rose’s defense was as-
tute. Unless West has the ace
of diamonds (and he needed
something for his bid of two
hearts), the contract is
surely unbeatable.
Question: You hold: ♠A
K♥Q 8 7 5 2 ♦K 9 4 ♣Q 7 3.
Your partner opens one dia-
mond, you respond one
heart and he bids one spade.
What do you say?
Answer: You could blast
into 3NT, but it would be sad
if partner passed and put
down J 8 7 4, A K, A Q 10 7 6 3,

  1. Since you can’t place the
    contract with confidence,
    bid two clubs, the “fourth

suit,” to let partner make an-
other descriptive bid. If he
bids 2NT, you will raise to
3NT. Otherwise, you may
play at diamonds or hearts.
North dealer
N-S vulnerable

♠J 10 4
♦Q 10 5 2
♣A K 10 8 4
♠7 5 ♠A K
♥J 10 4 3 ♥Q 8 7 5 2
♦A 8 7 6 3 ♦K 9 4
♣6 5 ♣Q 7 3
♠Q 9 8 6 3 2
♥A 9 6
♣J 9 2
1 ♣ 1 ♥ 1 ♠ 2 ♥
2 ♠ Pass 4 ♠ All Pass

Opening lead — ♥J

Tribune Media Services


By Frank Stewart

Dear Readers:Every year,
I step away from the Ask
Amy column for two weeks
to work on other writing
Today’s “Best Of ” from
2010 revolves around meet-
ing and matching.

Dear Amy:I am a retired
man in my early 80s. My wife
passed away last year, and I
moved into a senior living
residence so I would have
some company.
Although I am an “older
adult,” I still play tennis and
keep myself in good shape.
Many women in my new
home seem to be single and
are aggressive about finding
a man. Several have invited
me for drinks and dinner
and later suggested I spend
the night.
Now, I have nothing
against pretty women, and I
enjoy their company, but I
just don’t want to get into a
How do I let them know
I’m not interested in a seri-
ous relationship without
hurting their feelings?
Gosh, some men I know
might think they had died
and gone to heaven.
Not Looking

Dear Not Looking:Based
on your story and other tales
I’m hearing from the world
of senior housing, I’ve come

to the conclusion that the
older generation really puts
the “living” into “assisted liv-
You may be misinterpret-
ing the motives of the wom-
en at your complex.
Just because they come
on to you and invite you to
spend the night, it doesn’t
necessarily mean that they
are looking for a serious rela-
tionship. You will learn this
as you go.
If this sort of arrange-
ment isn’t to your liking (and
it obviously isn’t), you
should respond with a ver-
sion of, “Dottie, you’re a dear
and the casserole was won-
derful, but I’m only looking
for tennis partners.”
February 2010

Dear Amy: I am 60 and
have been single for 20 years.
My best friend tells me I’m
“man crazy” because I keep
trying to connect emotion-
ally with men at church, my
favorite venue for meeting
nice men.
My friend says that I fall
in love with every man who
talks to me. She told me re-
cently that she thinks men
generally avoid me because
I’m too aggressive. I just like
to talk to them and get to
know them.
Yes, there are times when
I have been infatuated with
men. But when I let a man

know, he pretty much runs
for the hills.
I think I have a lot to offer
a man, but evidently I drive
them away. I don’t know how
to proceed. Should I keep
trying or mind my own busi-
ness at church?
Need to Know

Dear Need:You seem to
think you attend the Church
of the Heavenly Hookups. So
let’s start with your descrip-
tion of your house of worship
as “my favorite venue for
meeting nice men.”
Church is a great place to
connect with people, but the
primary connection should
be spiritual or communal.
You sound like a stalker,
and from your description,
you make people uncom-
fortable. You could work on
understanding your gallop-
ing emotions by seeing a pro-
fessional therapist.
Church is not the appro-
priate venue for you to prac-
tice flirting skills. Listen
carefully to your friend’s de-
scription of your behavior,
and then ask her to help you
behave differently.
She might make a good
wingman for you — but not
at church.
October 2010

Send questions to Amy
Dickinson by email to ask
[email protected].


Relationship for him? No

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