How to Be a Conscious Eater

(Jacob Rumans) #1
higher rates of cancer later in life. This could be because eating
a lot of protein often means eating a lot of meat (at least in the
United States), and as we’ll explore later, there’s a link between
certain types of meat and cancer risk. It could also be because
protein is known for accelerating the replication of cells, some-
thing you want only if you’re a growing teenager, say, or an
elite athlete trying to build muscle.

We all need protein, because it offers amino acids that are the
very building blocks of life. It provides our bodies with tissues,
skin, bones, and yes, as protein shake lovers know, muscle
muscle muscle. Although a steak or chicken sandwich or meal
replacement bar might feel like the fastest way to hit your pro-
tein count for the day, remember that you don’t have to get it
all in one sitting; foods’ contributions add up throughout the
day. Even on a vegan diet, people can easily get 60 to 80 grams
of protein throughout the day from foods like beans, nuts, veg-
etables, and whole grains.

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