How to Be a Conscious Eater

(Jacob Rumans) #1
animal feeding operations (CAFOs) boost the likelihood
of disease spreading, animals are often given prophy-
lactic antibiotics. Reducing the use of antibiotics in the
meat supply can help preserve our collective ability to
fight life-threatening bacteria.
How can you tell whether these practices were followed?
Choose meat from animals raised without the use of antibiot-
ics, eggs that at the very least come from cage-free chickens,
and products with the top three third-party certification labels:
“Animal Welfare Approved”
“Certified Humane Raised and Handled”
“Global Animal Partnership (GAP) Certified”
For cows, the “American Grassfed” label is also very strong,
though beware of the fact that the term grass-fed is not well
regulated on meat packaging. For details see “The Grass-Fed
Question” on page 100; for the full breakdown of third-party
labels on stuff that comes from animals, see “Stickers to
Know” on page 146.

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